Chapter 38 - Walker Stalker Conned

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"You betcha, Tabby Cat! And you'll be right there with us for sure. Cos I'm gonna need all the help I can get to drag her down that aisle"  He responded with a massive smile.

When the room erupted he leaned back in his chair. Put his hands behind his head and blew another big kiss in my direction.

Glaring at him I lean back in my  chair, cross my arms and shake my head....

"No fucking way, you prick!"  I mouth.

"Yes....fucking way!"  He mouths back, nodding his head seriously now.

Mine nearly explodes.

"That's not what flower girls do, silly. We walk in front of the bride, throw petals and stuff. Why would I have to drag Ollie?"  Tabitha rushed in when there was a gap in the hubbub.

Cameras swing from her to Norman.

"Cos I've been a big, dumb Doofus for nearly ten years. Made Ollie sad....and mad. So, she mightn't want to. So that's why you gotta help me....Ok?"

"Ok....but you can just say you're sorry you know. That's what my Dad does to Mommy when he's made her mad. Oh....Oh....and you have to put on a sad puppy dog face too. And say 'I wub you, Ollie'...."

"Yeah, just like that!"

She exclaimed excitedly as Norman made goo-goo wide eyes at me. Put on a wobbling pout as he mouthed once more....

"Sorry, Ollie....I wub you!"

My teeth are busy grinding their enamel right off as everyone laughs at him.

"Nup! Didn't work, Tabby Cat. Does your Dad have better luck than me?"  He asked with an exaggerated sigh.

"Most of the time. Then Mommy calls him a dickhead. And they grab each other's butts....suck face for a while"  Tabitha muttered the last bit in disgust, screwing up her nose.

"Oh, my God"  Elspeth groaned as my head drops into my hands, eyes slamming shut.

When I peep up again? Andy and Greg are in absolute hysterics. But then....they aren't the only ones.

"Don't knock it till you try it, kiddo. Take it from me....those things are pretty darned awesome"  Norman manages to gasp out.

Elspeth dug into her handbag and handed me a card while whispering....

"That's my cell, Ollie. You call and let me know what you want to do about tonight. That little terrorist's bed is all yours for as long as you want it, sweety. I'm dumping her  butt at the Lost and Found counter on the way out!"

When the hilarity dies down again, Norman smiled at Tabitha.

"Thanks for the advice, sweetheart. I'll be making those apologies plus a whole lot can count on it. And I'll see you with your Mom and Dad at the wedding....Ok?"

"Have to warn you though. There will be face-sucking and butt-grabbing going on for sure."

He sent her another wink and two thumbs up. Tabitha gave everyone a smirking grin at her 'job well done'.  And was then relieved of the microphone.

I slouch down in my seat. Pulling my cap even lower and tucking my chin into my chest when I notice the cameras zooming in.

"Hun? You make a run for it....soon as they finish this up. My offer of the bed is genuine. But that man is so far gone in love with you? I'm pretty sure his apologies for whatever he's screwed up will be sincere."

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now