Chapter 24 - Getting Stoned

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Tokyo + one month

Clicking the mouse for a final time, I lean back in my chair and let out a huge sigh.

"Well, Tig. That's another task done and dusted!"

Reaching over my desk I grasp his little pompom face in my hands and kiss the top of his head.

Tig is Dad's little shadow. A snowy-white, elderly Bichon Frise....who's pining badly for his master.

So, I fashioned some steps to my desk for him and here he is. Cuddled up on an old blanket that smells of Daddy. Dozing or watching me as I work.

I know he loves me too....but I'll always be a poor substitute.

He saved Dad's life, there's no doubt about it. Because Bichons rarely bark. Yet that's just what he did when Daddy collapsed....getting the attention of Uncle Reg.

Giving him an overload of cuddles and kisses is the least I can do for my lonely, little old hero.

It's only ten AM, but I've had a long and busy day already. Getting Hid's software updates out to him was the last in a list of business-related items that I needed to finish up before lunch.

I started clearing out the backlog last week.

The first thing I did was to take down my website and suspend associated accounts. Just wanted to put a hold on everything business-wise for a little while. Give myself a bit of breathing space until I can get a better handle on things.

Then slowly, I made my way through all the remainder of the outstanding jobs. Clearing the decks so to speak, in order to spend more time with Dad.

Tess is coming home early from work to pick me up and take me to the hospital. Because today? Dad's being transferred to Cabrini's long-term rehab and care facility.

Whilst he made it through the critical first week after his stroke, he isn't recovering well. The  aneurysm that burst causing the stroke, had been deep. And the resulting damage was fairly catastrophic.

But his doctors are optimistic that he'll recover....eventually. Dad's transfer to the care facility will give him better access to the people who are specially trained in just that.

Recovery and rehabilitation.

When I kissed him goodbye and held his hand just before leaving him after dinner last night?

I felt the tiniest pressure on my fingers. The first reaction from him in the month since I've been home.

To say I was elated would be an understatement.

Dad still can't speak or move. And his right eye on the droopy side of his face rolls wildly whenever it's open.

The doctors said he has a partial awareness of what's going on....and that should grow with his therapy. They just have to wait until he's a full seventy-two hours off the ventilator before they move him.

Then he can start down the long and hard road of getting better. And I'll be with him all the way.


Both Tig and I nearly jump clean out of our skins when my new mobile phone goes off.

"How are you today, Olivia?"

It's Mr Pemberton. One of my much loved teachers from the academic school I attended for nearly ten years.

Aunty Pat, Uncle Reg, Tess and her brothers have been my life buoys. But I've been amazed and overwhelmed by the way all our other friends have rallied around us. Calling, visiting and making meals....just being the lovely people they are.

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