Chapter 37 - Captive Audience

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If I have a doppelganger?

I'll pay them a million dollars to take my place here today.

"Eighteen hours to go, Ollie"  I chant softly as I flash my pass to the carpark security guard then find my allocated bay.

Getting to the Georgia World Congress Centre had been a nightmare. And the least of it had been the actual traffic.

Atlanta has been invaded by the dead. There's thousands of them walking the streets. Making their way to the 'Walker Stalker Con'  as it's called.

Had I not spent Friday with Greg's guys? I probably would've pee'd my pants....seeing the first 'walker'  stroll in front of me when I stop for the traffic lights.

When we emailed or chatted online before, Greg said the series he's working on is a post-apocalyptic type of thing. But I never imagined the scale.

Plus I've been a bit out of touch with life full stop lately. Way too busy with a full upgrade of our source code. So I haven't really paid any attention to the 'Walking Dead'  phenomena.

Now I can grasp how truly huge this show actually is.


"Congrats, sweetheart!  What an awesome surprise it is....I couldn't be happier"  Greg whispered and kissed my cheek when I walked into his workshop on Friday.


I was more than a bit confused, cos I hadn't even told him what I had up my sleeve.

"This is just incredible"  I breathed out repeatedly in awe.

Greg and his adoring band of merry workers gave me a tour of where they do their onsite work.

"This is nothing, Ollie. You must come and visit me in California. See where all the real prep work goes on"  He answered with pride.

What was supposed to be a day of me dipping my toe in the water became a full-on induction. For me and Greg's staff.

Once they realised I've arranged for delivery of my latest software for them to play with....along with the accompanying new motion cameras and consoles? Well....

I was worried some of them were going to drop to their knees and beg for my hand. My cheeks were almost in a permanent state of pink!

"Are you coping Ok with it all, Ollie? Hope all the attention isn't getting to you too much?"  Greg asked as I prepared to drive home.

When he saw my befuddled face he added....

"You know....the fans and media? We're well used to it, but I suppose it must all come as a bit of a shock to you."

"Ummmm, well there were some female fans at the local Walmart yesterday. But....Norman handled it Ok....I guess?"  Now I got a confused look.

"Well you take care, sweetheart. I'll see you on Sunday. Don't be afraid to call Norm's security service or his P.A if you get swamped. Hey, how about you and Norm have a party to celebrate at the restaurant? It'll be awesome."

He rapped on the roof of the Ford in farewell as I drove off.

Norman has a security service? And a party to celebrate final humiliation?

I stopped for dinner at an Asian café. But felt a bit embarrassed as I only picked at the food. Just moved it around the plate, to be honest. Finally, I apologised and asked them to bag it up as takeout.

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