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"How could you not tell me he was gonna be here?!" Quinn yelled when she and Rachel were in their room getting ready for dinner.

Quinn had been hiding out in the room since she saw Puck.

"Because I knew you wouldn't come." Rachel stated. "And I think that's immature of you."

"You don't get to tell me I'm immature for not wanting to see him." Quinn shook her head. "I haven't seen him since we had that fight."

"It's been four years. It's time to move on." Rachel decided. "He's not obsessing over some stupid fight."

"I'm not talking about this with you." Quinn said.

Rachel looked at her. "Then go talk about it with him."

"No." Quinn folded her arms.

"Well, you better come to dinner." Rachel said. "Say hi to him. Or at least act like an adult and thank him for his service."

The brunette stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Quinn let out a deep sigh. She knew it was going to be a long week dealing with Puck and Rachel, and she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid them forever.

Quinn changed into a white lacy jumpsuit. It was tight around her hips and butt, and the front had crisscrossed straps over her boobs. She straightened her medium-length hair and did her makeup.

Quinn took off her engagement ring and put on heels before heading to dinner.

"You look so good, Quinn." Kurt grinned as Quinn approached the table.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled at Kurt as she took a seat next to him. She felt Puck's eyes burning into her skin.

"We missed you at the set sail party." Sam stated.

"I felt a little seasick and wanted to lay down for a while." Quinn lied.

Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Are you feeling better? You're not pregnant, are you?" Kurt teased.

Quinn shook her head as she glanced at Puck for a reaction. He didn't even flinch. "I'm not. And I'm glad because I can't remember the last time I was drunk, so that's what I wanna do this week."

"Someone get this girl a beer." Sam laughed.

"We're doing shots at the white-out party." Santana added. "Because I will not do that shit sober."

"I second that." Jake agreed.

Quinn smiled slightly.

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