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Quinn went back to her room to brush her teeth and change into a bikini. When she was ready, she headed to the pool.

Puck was laying on one of the lounge chairs in his swim trunks.

Quinn took a deep breath as she sat down on the lounge chair beside Puck. "Puck."

Puck didn't reply or look at her.

"Noah, please." Quinn said softly.

"It's the last day, Q. I don't wanna fight anymore." Puck said as he sat up and looked at Quinn.

"I didn't come here to fight with you." Quinn told Puck. "I came here to fight for you."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I've been thinking a lot." Quinn said. "And we already wasted four years apart."

"You have a fiancé." Puck stated.

"This week I realized a few things about myself and what I really want." Quinn admitted.

"And what'd you come up with?" Puck wondered.

Quinn bit her lip nervously. "I've never loved anyone like I've loved you."

Puck kept silent, encouraging Quinn to continue.

"And we had our chance and it didn't work out." Quinn reminded Puck. "But I still care about you and I want you in my life."

"I don't know if I can do that." Puck responded.

"Please think about it." Quinn requested as she stood up. "And please come to brunch when we're all back in New York."

"Maybe." Puck said.

"I'll need someone to keep Sam away from me." Quinn joked, knowing how jealous Puck used to be of Sam back in high school. "And I know Biff won't do anything."

"I'll come to brunch." Puck decided. "But after that, it's over. Everything."

Quinn nodded. "I know."

"No, I mean everything." Puck told Quinn. "I can't keep doing this."

"Can't keep doing what?" Quinn asked.

"Being there for you, only when you need something from me." Puck clarified. "We're not in high school anymore. It's exhausting."

"It's exhausting for me, too." Quinn agreed. "I'm just saying that we should be friends and-"

"It's not as bad for you." Puck cut Quinn off. "You have someone. Even if he's a douchebag."

Quinn looked at Puck. "You'll find someone."

"I don't want just anyone. I never have." Puck reminded Quinn.

"Did you see how many girls were all over you this week?" Quinn asked. "You'll find your soulmate."

"And you think Biff is yours?" Puck asked.

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