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They decided to skip the buffet for once. Quinn took Puck to the steakhouse because she knew he couldn't be mad at her when he had steak.

"You look nice." Puck said as he sat down across from Quinn at a table for two.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled slightly.

"How are you feeling?" Puck wondered.

Quinn shrugged. "A little dizzy, but I don't feel nauseous."

Puck nodded slowly and looked at her.

"I would tell you if I was pregnant, you know." Quinn stated. "You'd probably be the first person I'd tell."

"Why?" Puck asked.

"Because you'd tell me everything would be okay." Quinn replied as she studied her menu. "And you'd make sure it was."

Puck nodded slowly. "You know, it's too bad you're not gonna have more kids 'cause you made a good one."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Well, I had a little help."

"I'm just saying, I would've made a great godfather." Puck added with a grin.

"You would've." Quinn agreed. She put her menu down and sipped her water as the waitress walked over to their table.

"My name is Lena, I'll be taking care of you this evening." The waitress said. "Can I get you any drinks or appetizers to start with?"

"I'll just have water." Puck decided.

"I'm fine with water, too, thank you." Quinn said as she put her glass down.

Lena noticed Quinn's ring, and her eyes widened. "Wow, that's a gorgeous ring. Congratulations. When are you two getting married?"

"Oh, um, we're just enjoying the engagement right now." Quinn answered as she glanced at Puck.

"You look like a great couple. How'd you propose?" Lena wondered.

Quinn sipped her water nervously. All she wanted was for Lena to walk away and leave them alone.

"I took her to our hometown in Ohio." Puck began. "And we went back to our high school, and I sang to her and asked her in the choir room where we fell in love."

"Aww!" Lena exclaimed. "That's beautiful. Congratulations again."

"Thank you." Quinn muttered as Lena walked away.

Puck reached across the table and took Quinn's left hand. He played with her ring and studied it.

"Now I know why you're marrying him." Puck mumbled. "This thing is huge."

"It's been in the family for generations." Quinn told Puck. "And just so you know, I would've been happy with any sized ring."

"I'll keep that in mind." Puck nodded.

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