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The rest of brunch was tense. Quinn wanted Biff and Puck to get along, but the more time they spent together, the more they competed with each other.

"Ladies, did you see Quinn's ring?" Biff asked. "Pretty nice, huh?"

"I've seen bigger." Santana shrugged. "Especially from someone with your money."

"Santana, that's mean." Puck said. "I'm sure if Butch really loved Quinn, he would spend all his money to show her."

"Biff." Biff corrected Puck.

"What?" Puck asked.

"My name is Biff. Biff McIntosh." Biff clarified. "And Quinn knows I love her. That ring has been in the family for generations."

Santana and Puck nodded.

"Not everything is about money." Biff stated.

Quinn scoffed.

Biff looked at her. "What?"

"I didn't say anything." Quinn replied.

"Okay, Quinn." Biff rolled his eyes. "I forgot, you were the top of the class, so you know everything. You also got pregnant when you were a teenager, did you forget that?"

Quinn bit her lip.

"You can't talk to her like that." Puck said.

"It's fine, Noah." Quinn replied softly.

Puck looked at her. "Quinn."

"I said it's fine." Quinn stated.

The waiter walked over and put the check in front of Quinn. "Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly.

Puck pulled out his wallet and tossed some money on the table as he looked at Jake. "That should cover me. We should go, we're gonna miss our train."

"You can put that away." Biff said. "I'm paying."

Puck ignored Biff as he started saying goodbye to everyone. Jake and Marley slowly stood up. They started saying goodbyes to everyone, too.

Puck didn't say goodbye to Quinn or Biff. When he was done saying goodbye to the others, he just walked out.

Jake hugged Quinn.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Quinn requested softly. "Please."

"He's okay." Jake insisted. "But I will."

Quinn nodded as she hugged Marley. "Thanks for coming. I'm really glad you and Jake came on vacation."

Marley nodded. "Yeah, it was good to see you."

"Have fun in Lima." Quinn added. "Give everyone my best."

"I will." Marley promised as she and Quinn parted.

Quinn watched as Jake and Marley left.

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