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When they got to the beach, Quinn put her blanket out for everyone to lay on again.

"It's fucking hot." Jake noted as he took his shirt off.

"Language, asshole." Puck teased.

"It's too hot for you two to be so annoying." Brittany blurted.

Jake and Puck looked at each other and frowned.

"Who's coming in the water with me and Tina?" Mike asked. "Sam?"

"Sure." Sam nodded.

"I'll come, too." Rachel said.

Everyone started putting on sunscreen and helping each other with it.

Quinn watched Rachel help Sam and Puck.

"Quinn." Santana muttered.

"Yeah?" Quinn asked as she turned to face Santana, who was laying on the blanket beside Brittany.

"Take off your coverup and lay in the sun." Santana commanded.

"I will." Quinn nodded. "When everyone's in the water."

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" Brittany chanted.

Quinn slowly took off her coverup dress and put it in her bag. Her face turned red when Santana and Brittany cheered and whistled at her.

The others looked over to see what was going on, and Quinn could feel their eyes all over her body.

"Let's go swimming." Marley said as she dragged Jake away. Rachel led Sam and Puck away, and Kurt, Blaine, Tina, and Mike followed.

"I feel like my whole ass is out." Quinn mumbled self-consciously as she laid down on the blanket beside Santana.

"It is." Brittany agreed.

"It looks good!" Santana exclaimed.

"Biff wouldn't like it." Quinn shook her head. "He would say where's the rest of your bikini bottoms? or something like that."

"That's why we didn't invite him on this vacation." Santana reminded Quinn.

"Plus, he sucks because he doesn't know any of us." Brittany added. "And we're awesome."

Quinn nodded slowly as she closed her eyes.

A few minutes later, Quinn felt warm, muscular arms quickly scoop her up. She opened her eyes and looked at Puck. "What are you doing?"

"You looked like you wanted to put that bikini to good use." Puck noted as he started walking back to the water. "I mean, besides letting me check you out in it."

"Noah, do not put me in the water." Quinn commanded as she wrapped her arms around Puck's neck to hold on.

"I got her, Blaine." Puck grinned as he walked into the water and continued until the water reached his waist.

Blaine smirked. "Excellent."

"Ready, Q?" Puck asked.

Quinn shook her head. "Don't."

Puck tickled Quinn's sides to loosen her grip on his neck before he dropped her into the water.

Quinn jumped up and gasped for air. The water was cold, but it also felt refreshing. Not that she would tell Puck that.

"Dicks." Quinn muttered as she splashed water at Puck and Blaine, who were laughing hysterically.

Blaine hid behind Kurt for safety, so Quinn went after Puck. She jumped onto his back and tried to take him down, but he was stronger than she was.

"Nice try." Puck muttered as he picked Quinn up. "Wanna do this again?"

Quinn shook her head. "No, thank you."

"Didn't think so." Puck smirked as he put Quinn down.

Quinn was shivering, so she stood at the edge of the water and watched her friends. She furrowed her eyebrow as Puck left the water and headed back to their spot.

A few minutes later, she was enveloped in a towel and a hug.

Quinn looked at Puck as she held the towel around her body. "I'd say thank you, but you're the reason I'm cold, so..."

"You're welcome." Puck said as he let go of Quinn.

Quinn smiled happily as she watched Puck go back in the water.

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