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After breakfast, Quinn and Puck headed back to their rooms, which were on the same floor.

"Hey, guys." Santana smiled.

"Hey." Quinn let go of Puck's hand and smiled at the Latina. "What are you doing today?"

"Where's Brittany?" Puck wondered.

"I was just coming to find you." Santana told Puck.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Why?"

"Everyone's going to the beach again." Santana stated. "And tomorrow, a bunch of us are going souvenir shopping before we leave Bermuda."

"I'll come shopping." Quinn decided.

Santana nodded. "So far it's you, me, Brittany, and Kurt."

Quinn nodded back. "I'm gonna go get ready for the beach."

"See you later." Puck smiled as Quinn walked away.

Quinn went to her room and found Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine.

"Hey, guys." Quinn smiled.

"Hey." Blaine responded.

"I'm gonna push you in the water today." Quinn warned Blaine.

Blaine grinned. "I'm looking forward to it."

Quinn looked at Rachel and Kurt, who were giving her weird looks as if they had been gossiping about her.

Quinn changed into a sea green bikini in the bathroom. She put her sunglasses on the top of her head before exiting.

"Are you guys coming to the beach?" Quinn wondered.

Rachel nodded as she walked into the bathroom to get changed.

"Quinn, you look great!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as she put her coverup on and put on her flip flops.

"Blaine and I are gonna go change." Kurt decided as he stood up. "We'll meet you two in the lobby with the others."

Quinn nodded as the two boys left.

Rachel exited the bathroom in a lavender bikini.

"You look amazing." Quinn smiled.

"Thanks." Rachel muttered.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

The blonde and the brunette gathered their things and headed downstairs to the lobby.

Puck smiled when he saw them.

"Finally!" Santana exclaimed. "You two took so long, we were about to send Sam to find out if you were hooking up or something."

Rachel raised her eyebrow and looked at Sam. "Let's just go."

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