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Quinn led Puck to one of the small window seats in the hall. They sat down next to each other, only inches apart. Her heart was beating really fast, and she didn't know if it was nerves or alcohol or both.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Quinn wanted to start the conversation, but she didn't know how.

"When did you get home?" Quinn asked.

"Like, a day before we boarded the ship." Puck answered.

"Were you in Lima?" Quinn wondered.

Puck shook his head. "I didn't even tell my mom or Sarah because they'd be pissed if they knew I was taking a vacation before visiting them."

"I guess it wasn't a good idea to bring your brother then." Quinn teased.

"Guess not." Puck shrugged. "But I'm gonna spend a lot of time in Lima after the cruise until I figure out what I'm gonna do in New York."

"You're moving to New York?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Jake is going to New York to be with Marley, and I think I'm gonna go, too." Puck stated. "I'm probably gonna move in with Santana for now."

Quinn nodded back.

"So, what have you been doing these last four years?" Puck asked.

"I've kept myself busy." Quinn promised.

"Doing what?" Puck wondered.

"Shortly after you left, I left Yale and I transferred to Columbia and moved to New York. I've been taking acting lessons, singing lessons, and dance classes." Quinn explained. "And I graduated a semester ago."

Puck's eyes widened as he processed all of the information that Quinn spewed at him. "And you're working now?"

"I work at Brittany and Mike's dance studio part time, and I babysit Beth for Shelby a lot, and I've been going on auditions, but..." Quinn trailed off and leaned her head against Puck's arm.

"It sounds like you've been really busy." Puck noted. "Congrats on graduating, Little Miss Ivy League."

"Thanks." Quinn smiled. "Congrats on not dying."

Puck laughed lightly. "Thanks."

Quinn lifted her head up and looked at Puck as if she was looking at him for the first time. He looked happier and more relaxed than before.

Puck looked at Quinn. It had been four years since he got to see her and hear her voice and sit so close to her.

Slowly, Quinn closed her eyes and leaned forward to kiss Puck.

Puck cupped Quinn's cheek and deepened the kiss.

Quinn pulled away first and looked at Puck. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had done.

"I-I'm sorry." Quinn stuttered as she stood up. "I have to go."

Quinn took a deep breath and looked at Puck apologetically before she hurried away.

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