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When the credits started to roll, Puck let go of Quinn's hand and stood up.

"Can we talk now?" Quinn requested.

Puck nodded slowly. "Come to my room in, like, ten minutes."

Quinn watched Puck walk away before she walked over to her friends.

"Weren't there twelve of us when the movie started?" Mike asked.

"Rachel got scared, Kurt was bored, and I don't know what happened to Puck." Blaine replied.

"He probably got scared." Sam said as he smiled at Quinn.

"That movie was scary!" Brittany exclaimed as she looked at Sam. "Santana's gonna sleep in our room tonight."

"Kurt's having a sleepover with Rachel, so you can sleep in our room, Sam." Blaine told the blonde.

"Thanks, man." Sam said. "Quinn, are you part of the sleepover?"

Quinn nodded. "Yeah, I should head back actually. Goodnight, guys."

"Night!" Marley grinned.

"I'll walk you back." Sam said.

Quinn shook her head. "I'm fine. Goodnight."


Quinn went down to deck 8 and headed to the hallway where her room was. Luckily, there was no sign of Kurt or Rachel, so Quinn was able to go to Puck's room unnoticed.

Quinn took a deep breath as she knocked on Puck's door.

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