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"Is this too inappropriate?" Quinn asked as she looked down at her black peplum top and tight pants. The top had a deep v neck that went down past her boobs, but it was covered in sheer material.

"I don't think it's inappropriate enough." Santana stated. "But you look hot."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"All you need is some liquid courage now." Santana smirked evilly as she stood up and grabbed Quinn's wrist.

"Santana, wait." Quinn said. "I wanted to ask you something."

"What?" Santana furrowed her eyebrow.

Quinn slowly opened her dresser drawer and took out her ring. "Biff and I are getting married."

"Shut up!" Santana exclaimed as she took Quinn's ring. "This is huge. I would marry any guy who gave me a ring like this. And I don't even like guys."

Quinn laughed lightly. "I wanted to ask you to be my maid of honor."

"Oh my gosh! Really?!" Santana squealed.

"Yes." Quinn nodded as she took the ring from Santana and put it away. "But you can't tell anyone. I haven't even told Rachel that we're engaged."

"I won't tell anyone." Santana promised. "And I would love to be your maid of honor."

Quinn sighed with relief as the Latina wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her.

"Thank you." Santana smiled when they parted. "I'm really happy for you. And I wanna know when and how he proposed."

"I'll tell you another time." Quinn promised.

"Okay." Santana nodded.

"Do you think you and Brittany will ever get married?" Quinn wondered.

Santana shrugged. "We're not even together right now."

"You should ask her out." Quinn told Santana. "You two are good together."

Santana nodded slowly.

"We should go meet up with the others." Quinn decided.

Santana nodded in agreement and adjusted her top to show more skin. "Let's go."

Quinn and Santana left the room and went to the club where the others were.

"Brittany's dancing." Quinn noted when she spotted Brittany.

"See ya." Santana grinned as she walked over to join the blonde on the dance floor.

Quinn walked over to the bar and ordered a shot and a beer. She chugged the shot and started drinking her beer while she scanned the room for the rest of her friends.

Quinn spotted Puck on the dance floor with Rachel. She rolled her eyes and turned back around.

A few minutes later, Puck sat down at the bar.

Quinn looked at him.

Puck ordered a beer, but other than that, he didn't say anything.

Quinn knew she should initiate a conversation. She chugged the rest of her beer and turned to face Puck.

"Can I get you a drink?" Quinn blurted.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at the beer in his hand. "I just got myself a drink."

"Please." Quinn requested.

Puck nodded as he chugged his beer and put the glass down when it was empty. He looked at Quinn.

"Go ahead, princess."

Quinn ordered two more beers - one for herself and one for Puck.

Quinn raised her glass and looked at Puck. "I still think you never should've left, but I'm really proud of you, Noah."

"Thank you." Puck smiled as he clinked his glass against Quinn's. He sipped his beer before placing it on the counter. "Do you think if I never left, we would've...?"

"I don't know." Quinn answered. "I've thought about that a lot."

"And what do you think?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"I... I don't know." Quinn shrugged.

Puck nodded. "We would still be together if I never left."

"But you did." Quinn said.

"Yeah." Puck sighed as he paused for a moment while he looked at Quinn. "And it's a real shame I did because you look hot as hell tonight."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Thank you. You do, too."

"Can I buy you a drink?" Puck requested.

"Sure." Quinn grinned.

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