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"Sorry we're late." Rachel apologized as she and Quinn took the remaining seats at the dinner table next to Sam and Blaine.

"You didn't miss much." Kurt said. "We were just saying we can't believe tomorrow is our last day in Bermuda."

"Yeah." Quinn frowned.

"I'm sure Biff will be happy to see you again." Santana stated.

"Y-Yeah." Quinn stuttered as she glanced at Puck, who wouldn't look at her.

"What do you guys feel like doing tonight?" Tina wondered.

"They're showing a movie." Kurt said. "I'm not sure what it is though."

"Scream 4." Jake answered. "Puck, Marley, and I were already planning on going, so anyone is welcome to join."

"I'm in." Sam decided.

After they all agreed to go to the movie screening, the twelve friends ate dinner and talked about their favorite parts of Bermuda so far and what else they were looking forward to doing on vacation.

When dinner was over, everyone decided to go back to their rooms to change into pajamas and sweatpants for the movie night.

Quinn and Rachel headed back to the others to watch the movie.

Everyone dragged chairs around to curl up with one another. Kurt was with Blaine, Tina was with Mike, Jake was with Marley, and Santana was with Brittany.

Quinn noticed Sam was sitting alone and Puck was missing.

"Where's Noah?" Rachel asked so Quinn wouldn't have to.

"He said he was gonna come late." Santana responded. "He was getting a drink or something first."

Rachel took one of the empty seats, so Quinn had to sit next to Sam.

"Hey." Sam said softly. "Let me know if you get scared."

Quinn rolled her eyes and looked at Sam. "You're being inappropriate. I have a boyfriend."

"I saw you holding hands with Puck earlier." Sam whispered.

"That's different." Quinn blurted. "He... He doesn't... I haven't talked to him about Biff."

Sam furrowed his eyebrow, but didn't say anything else. He just turned to face the screen as the movie started.

Quinn folded her arms and faced the screen, too. She couldn't focus on the movie because she was thinking about everything - Biff, the engagement, New York, Puck, their history, the cruise.

About thirty minutes into the movie, Quinn saw Puck arrive. He sat down next to Rachel and put his arm around her. Rachel looked at Puck and smiled. She leaned closer and whispered something to him.

Quinn looked back at the screen. She didn't care.

Puck and Rachel were adults, and they were both single, so they were allowed to do whatever they wanted.

Halfway through the movie, Rachel left with Kurt. Quinn quickly got up and walked over to Puck. She sat down beside him.

"Can I talk to you?" Quinn asked.

Puck didn't respond. He kept his eyes on the screen.

"Please." Quinn begged. "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

Puck still didn't respond or move.

Quinn slowly took Puck's hand. "Puck."

Puck looked at her. "I'm watching a movie."

"I wanna talk to you." Quinn told him.

"Not right now." Puck said.

Quinn sighed as she continued watching the movie.

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