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"Y-Yeah?" Quinn stuttered, snapping back to reality.

"If you weren't staring at the Puckerman brothers, you would've heard me." Santana stated.

"I wasn't." Quinn shook her head. "I wasn't staring at them."

"And I wasn't checking Brittany out in her super short dress." Santana smirked.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

"We're gonna do shots." Santana told Quinn. "It's me, Britt, you, Rachel, Sam, Mike, Jake, and Puck."

Quinn nodded.

"Sam and Mike are already at the bar, so go get Puck and Jake." Santana ordered. "I'll get Berry and Brittany."

"Nice try." Quinn said as she started walking away. "I'll get Brittany and Rachel."

After the group of eight squished into the four available seats at the bar, Santana ordered the shots.

The Latina thanked the bartender as she passed everyone a shot glass and raised hers in a toast. "Before we get completely shitfaced, I just wanted to say welcome home to Puck. We're all so proud of you and thankful that you're home safe!"

Puck smiled as everyone raised their glasses for him.

Quinn was the first one to lower her glass and drink the shot.

"I'm gonna go dance." Brittany decided. "Mike?"

Mike nodded. "If Tina gives you the death stare, run."

Brittany laughed lightly as she led Mike to the dance floor.

"I should go find Marley and see if she wants a piña colada or something." Jake decided as he walked away, leaving Quinn, Rachel, and Santana alone with Sam and Puck.

The five friends didn't feel like dancing, and no one said much, so instead, they kept drinking.

Quinn wasn't used to drinking so much. Other than a glass of wine or a beer on special occasions, she didn't drink at all. Biff and his family weren't big on drinking.

"I'm drunk enough to wanna dance now." Sam declared as he put his bottle down and looked at the girls. "Any takers? Quinn?"

Quinn shook her head. "No, thank you."

"I'll dance with you." Rachel said as she stood up.

Quinn let Sam get up and watched him walk away with Rachel before taking her seat again.

"And then there were three." Santana noted as she sipped Puck's beer.

"Santana, let's go dance." Puck blurted as he took the beer from Santana and put it down. "Maybe Brittany will dance with you."

Santana smiled happily as Puck led her away.

Quinn sighed as she picked the beer up and chugged it. She turned around and watched her friends. Everyone was dancing and laughing and having fun.

Everyone except for Quinn.

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