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"I look like a lobster." Quinn complained as she walked out of the bathroom after her shower.

"Did you put sunscreen on today?" Rachel wondered.

Quinn shook her head. "I wasn't really planning on going to the beach, so no."

Rachel frowned. "What are you wearing to karaoke?"

"This towel." Quinn said sarcastically.

"Wear that salmon pink dress you brought." Rachel suggested. "The strapless one."

"Why?" Quinn asked.

Rachel shrugged. "I like it."

Quinn nodded. "Okay."

Quinn changed into the strapless dress and towel-dried her hair.

"What are you doing with your hair?" Rachel asked.

"I'm gonna curl it." Quinn stated. "What about you?"

"I'm straightening mine." Rachel said. "And I'm gonna wear that navy blue dress."

"And you're gonna kiss Sam." Quinn smiled.

Rachel raised her eyebrow. "What?"

"He's been flirting with me all week." Quinn told Rachel. "But I've seen him look at you and try to sit by you or hang out with you, and he's a good guy, so..."

Rachel smiled slightly and bit her lip to hide it.

"He's a good guy, and you can just have fun with him." Quinn added. "You don't have to date him."

"That's true." Rachel nodded slowly while she thought about it. "Stay in Puck's room again tonight."

Quinn laughed lightly. "Maybe."

When they were done getting ready, Rachel and Quinn left and headed to meet their friends at karaoke.

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