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"Good, you're awake." Rachel noted when Quinn opened her eyes.

"I can't believe today's our last day." Quinn frowned.

Rachel nodded. "I know, but it'll be nice to get back to New York."

Quinn looked at her. "Not as nice as Bermuda and no responsibilities."

"Come to breakfast with us." Rachel requested.

"Who's us?" Quinn wondered.

"Santana, Brittany, Tina, and me." Rachel replied.

Quinn nodded. "Sure, but what about Marley?"

"Marley said she wanted to have breakfast with Jake." Rachel answered.

"Okay." Quinn said.

"Start getting ready." Rachel ordered.

Quinn rolled out of bed and took a fast shower. She changed into a light blue off-the-shoulder sundress.

Quinn did her makeup and straightened her hair. She put her sunglasses on top of her head as she put her sandals on.

"I'm ready." Quinn informed Rachel.

"You look nice." Rachel said.

"So do you." Quinn responded as she looked at Rachel's floral tank top and jean shorts. "Ready to go?"

Rachel nodded and put her shoes on before leading the way out.

The brunette and the blonde walked to the buffet together. They filled their plates with food and grabbed drinks before finding their friends.


Quinn rolled her eyes as she turned around. She walked over to the table and sat down beside Tina.

Rachel followed and sat down next to Quinn.

"Hey, girls." Quinn smiled. "What's everyone doing today?"

"Each other." Brittany answered as she looked at Santana.

Santana took Brittany's hand and laughed lightly. "Speaking of doing each other... Quinn? Rachel? Why don't you tell us who you two have been up to?"

Quinn's smile faded as Sam walked into the buffet with Mike.

"That's what you've been up to." Tina noted.

Rachel waved to Sam.

"Rachel, you, too?" Tina asked.

Rachel smiled and shrugged. "Sam's cute."

"It doesn't matter because tomorrow we're all going back to our regular lives." Quinn stated.

Tina looked at Quinn. "Wait a minute, you didn't do anything with Puck, did you?"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"Quinn, you have a boyfriend." Tina scolded.

"A fiancé." Santana corrected Tina.

Tina folded her arms and looked at Quinn for an explanation.

"Don't worry about it." Quinn stated as she stood up. "Thanks for breakfast, everyone. See you later."

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