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"Guys, it's getting late. We should get back to the bus." Rachel noted. "And shower and get ready for dinner."

"Yeah, I'm starving." Sam said as he gathered his things.

Quinn put her coverup on and gathered her things. She shook the sand off of her blanket and stuffed the blanket into her bag before heading back to the bus with her friends.

Puck sat down beside Quinn. "Santana's with Brittany, Jake's with Marley, and Sam's with Rachel."

"So I'm your last option." Quinn teased. "You could've sat with your new best friend Blaine."

"Blaine's with Kurt, and Mike's with Tina." Puck informed Quinn.

"So you didn't have any other options." Quinn noted.

"I didn't need any other options." Puck responded as he took Quinn's hand.

Quinn smiled as she interlaced her fingers with Puck's and leaned her head against his arm.

"You got a lot of sun today." Puck noted as he looked at Quinn's red skin. "I'll wake you up when we get back."

Quinn shook her head. "It's a short trip."

Puck nodded.

The pair sat in silence for the bus ride back to the ship. They were both tired from the beach day, but content and comfortable together.

"First things first, showers." Tina stated.

"See you guys for dinner." Mike added as Tina led him away.

Quinn headed back to her room with Rachel.

Rachel showered first, and then Quinn showered.

When Quinn was done in the shower, she got out and wrapped herself in a towel. She exited the bathroom and changed into a teal dress.

Quinn did her makeup and then she started straightening her hair. She felt Rachel's eyes on her.

"What?" Quinn demanded.

"I didn't say anything." Rachel replied.

"For once." Quinn muttered.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go see if Sam's ready."

"It's really funny how you tell me to back off of Puck while you're all over Sam." Quinn blurted. "You're gonna lead him on."

"I never told you to back off of Puck." Rachel corrected Quinn. "I told you to figure out if you wanna be with him or if you wanna be with Biff."

"Why do you care so much?" Quinn wondered.

"Because I've seen the way you've been looking at him." Rachel replied. "And how relaxed and happy you've been with him."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I haven't seen you like that in a long time, Quinn." Rachel stated.

"I'm happy with Biff." Quinn said, although it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than Rachel.

"Not in the same way." Rachel shook her head.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "Why do you want me to be with Puck? You've never been so interested in this before, even in high school."

"I don't want what happened to me to happen to you." Rachel stated.

Quinn unplugged the straightener and furrowed her eyebrow. "What do you-?"

"Finn." Rachel interrupted. "We wasted so much time apart, and then I lost him forever."

"Puck isn't going anywhere." Quinn said. "He's back and we're friends, and it's nice."

Rachel nodded slowly. "You need to follow your heart."

"I miss him, too, you know." Quinn said softly. "Finn."

"I would do anything to have him back." Rachel choked as tears filled her eyes. "To say goodbye and apologize for everything and..."

Quinn pulled Rachel into a hug. The brunette cried in the blonde's arms. Quinn comforted Rachel, and was surprised she wasn't crying herself.

"I'm sorry." Rachel sniffled as she let go of Quinn and wiped her eyes.

Quinn shook her head. "I'm sorry, too, Rachel."

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