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Rachel wanted to stop home first, so Biff dropped her off with all of the luggage before heading to the diner with Quinn.

The pair took their seats at the large table for thirteen.

Quinn looked at Biff, who was seated beside her. "Please don't intimidate any of them."

"I won't." Biff promised. "I'm sure I'll get along with everyone."

Not everyone Quinn thought to herself.

Quinn squeezed Biff's hand as Tina, Mike, and Sam entered the diner.

"Hey, guys." Quinn smiled as she stood up to greet her friends. She hugged all of them before turning to Biff, who had just stood up. "This is my fiancé, Biff. Biff, this is Tina, Mike, and Sam."

"It's nice to meet all of you." Biff smiled as he shook everyone's hands.

"You, too." Mike nodded.

"Hey, there's Rachel." Biff noted as the petite brunette walked over with Kurt and Blaine.

Quinn hugged Rachel. She hugged Kurt and Blaine after.

"This is Kurt and Blaine." Quinn introduced Biff.

Blaine let go of Kurt's hand and shook Biff's. "It's nice to meet you, Biff."

"Likewise." Biff smiled as he looked at Kurt.

Quinn kept looking at the door, hoping Puck would arrive.

Jake and Marley walked in next.

"This is Jake and Marley." Quinn told Biff. "They're moving to New York."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Biff said as he looked at Marley. "New York is pretty cool. I'm sure you'll love it."

Brittany walked over to the table. "Hi, everyone. Santana told me to come without her."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she greeted Brittany with a hug. When they parted, she looked at her. "Hi, Britt. This is Biff."

"Oh." Brittany nodded as she looked at Biff's hand. She leaned closer to Quinn. "Is this the guy we're supposed to pretend to like?"

"She's kidding." Quinn told Biff as she laughed awkwardly. "Brittany, why don't you go sit by Marley?"

Brittany nodded as she walked away.

Everyone took their seats. The seat on Quinn's left was open, and silently saved for Puck, if he decided to show up.

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