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Before Quinn had a chance to answer, Santana walked over to her and Puck.

"Did you finish packing?" Santana asked Puck.

Puck shook his head. "I didn't even start."

"You should go do that." Santana told him.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at her.

"Go!" Santana ordered.

Puck gathered his things and walked away.

Santana took Puck's seat and looked at Quinn.

"What'd you do that for?" Quinn asked. "We were talking."

"Biff called you, like, four times." Santana told Quinn as she handed her the cell phone. "Call him back."

Quinn took the phone and dialed Biff's number. She put the phone to her ear and walked away from Santana while it rang.

"There you are!" Biff exclaimed. "I was starting to think you forgot about me."

"I could never." Quinn said. "What's up?"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." Biff told Quinn. "And then we'll go to Pennsylvania and visit Mother."

"We're going to brunch with my friends, remember?" Quinn asked.

"Oh, I just thought you'd be more excited to tell my parents we're engaged than to go out for food with friends you've spent the entire week with." Biff stated.

"You promised me." Quinn reminded him. "And I want you to come and meet them. It would mean a lot to me."

"I guess we could go see Mother after brunch." Biff gave in.

"Thank you." Quinn said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Biff echoed. "I love you."

"Love you, too."

Quinn hung up the phone and walked back to Santana. "Biff is gonna pick us up tomorrow and he's coming to brunch."

"He is?" Santana raised her eyebrow. "Wow."

"We're getting married." Quinn reminded Santana. "He needs to make more of an effort with my friends and my family."

"Did you tell him that?" Santana wondered.

Quinn shook her head. "He would get mad at me."

"Imagine how mad he'll be when he finds out about you and Puck this week." Santana grinned.

"He's never gonna know." Quinn stated.

"What a way to start a lifetime of happiness together." Santana muttered.

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