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"There they are!" Rachel exclaimed as Quinn and Puck approached the table.

"How was the Fabray/Puckerman slumber party?" Santana teased.

"All we did was sleep!" Quinn and Puck exclaimed simultaneously before laughing.

"The first day we were here, the two of you were giving each other death stares and avoiding each other, and now you're completely in sync." Jake noted.

"It's scary." Brittany added.

"Shut up, Jake." Puck muttered.

"We talked." Quinn said.

"Not that it's any of your business." Puck added.

"Whatever." Santana said. "Hurry up and eat, so we can go shopping."

"Who's going shopping?" Puck asked.

"All the girls are going shopping and the guys are going to the beach." Sam explained.

"Except for Kurt." Blaine said. "He's going with the girls."

Quinn and Puck got in line for the buffet and filled up their plates. When they had enough food, they headed back to the table and ate with their friends.

"There's karaoke tonight." Tina said. "We should go."

"Yes!" Rachel exclaimed.

Quinn nodded. "That'll be fun."

"Can we ban Kurt, Rachel, Tina, and Blaine from performing?" Brittany requested. "They've been on Broadway. That's not fair."

"So has Santana." Mike reminded Brittany.

"But Santana's actually good." Brittany responded.

Santana smiled. "Thanks, Britt."

"I'm bored." Kurt said as he stood up. "Let's go shopping, ladies."

The girls all stood up and grabbed their things. They said goodbye to the boys before leaving.

They waited in line to get off the ship. When they were off, they went to the markets and started shopping.

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