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In the morning, Quinn woke up with a headache from alcohol and listening to bad karaoke singers. She looked at the man laying beside her.


"Noah." Puck corrected her.

"Oh my god." Quinn said as she got up and pulled the sheets with her. "I have to go. This was a mistake."

"Quinn, wait." Puck requested.

Quinn shook her head. She quickly got dressed and hurried out.

Quinn stopped by her room to change before heading to the buffet. She found Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine at breakfast, so she decided to join them.

"Hey." Quinn smiled as she sat down.

"Hey." Blaine smiled back.

"How was everyone's night?" Quinn wondered.

"Rachel slept with Sam." Kurt blurted.

"Kurt!" Rachel exclaimed.

Quinn looked at Rachel. "You did?"

Rachel nodded. "It was really nice. How was your night with Noah?"

"Oh, we just talked some more." Quinn lied. "It was nice. He's gonna see Beth when he's in New York."

"Cool." Rachel smiled.

Quinn faked a smile back as she sipped her water.

After breakfast, Blaine excused himself to go hang out with Sam, and Quinn decided to walk around the ship and clear her head.

Around lunchtime, Quinn headed back to her room to find out what everyone was up to.

"Hey, guys." Quinn greeted Rachel and Kurt when she entered her room.

"Hey." Rachel replied.

Quinn opened the dresser drawer and took her phone out. "I'm gonna go call Biff."

"Okay." Kurt said. "Tell him we said hi."

Quinn nodded as she closed the dresser drawer.

"Me and Kurt found a huge engagement ring in one of those drawers." Rachel told Quinn.

Quinn's eyes widened. "What did you do with it?"

"We gave it to the housekeeping lady to take to the main desk." Kurt answered.

"Oh my gosh." Quinn muttered.

Rachel and Kurt looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows before turning back to Quinn.

"That's my ring." Quinn clarified.

"Biff proposed?!" Rachel squealed.

"Yes, but I didn't wanna tell everyone yet because it's still new, and I didn't want Puck to know, and..." Quinn trailed off. "I can't believe I lost my ring. I shouldn't have even taken it off."

"We'll find it." Rachel promised. "I'll call the front desk and see if they can do anything."

"I'll walk around each deck and see if I can find that lady." Kurt said as he grabbed Quinn's arm. "Come with me."

Quinn nodded nervously as Kurt dragged her away.


After over an hour of searching for the housekeeping crew with no luck, Quinn and Kurt went back to Quinn and Rachel's room.

"Bad news, the front desk said the housekeeping ladies are still out because they're changing sheets today." Rachel informed Quinn when she returned with Kurt. "But they're keeping an eye out for it and they'll call when they find it."

"We didn't find them." Kurt told Rachel. "We checked every deck."

"That's a McIntosh family ring." Quinn stated. "It's priceless. Biff's gonna kill me."

"We're gonna find it." Rachel promised. "Congratulations on the engagement. Are you excited?"

Quinn nodded. "Yeah."

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