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"Hey." Quinn said softly as she closed the door behind her.

"Hi." Puck muttered.

Quinn sat down on the edge of Puck's bed and looked at him.

"We should talk." Quinn said.

"I'm tired of talking." Puck replied, keeping his eyes on the TV screen.

Quinn raised her eyebrow suggestively. "Is that why you asked me to come to your room?"

"No." Puck shook his head.

"Okay, then let's talk about Biff." Quinn said.

Puck looked at Quinn. "You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend."

"I was gonna tell you." Quinn told Puck.

"Bullshit." Puck shook his head.

"I was." Quinn insisted. "But then I figured there was no point."

"Of course there was a point! You kissed me and I kissed you back!" Puck exclaimed as he stood up.

Quinn could tell he was frustrated. She slowly stood up and grabbed his hands. "I didn't wanna hurt you."

"You've hurt me a lot, Quinn." Puck told her. "And now you're playing stupid games."

"You've hurt me, too." Quinn stated. "When you left me for the fucking Air Force."

"I had to go." Puck said softly. "You're the one who didn't wait for me."

"I didn't know if you were ever coming back!" Quinn exclaimed. "You could've died."

"You could've waited." Puck muttered.

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. She paused for a moment. "I should've, but you've been gone for a while, and now I'm with someone else."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I think if you met Biff, you would like him." Quinn added.

"I doubt it." Puck said.

Quinn frowned. Puck was able to read her like a book. She knew he wouldn't get along with Biff - they were complete opposites.

"Is he good to you?" Puck wondered.

"Biff loves me." Quinn said. "He has money, and we're gonna have a great life together."

Puck nodded slowly, even though he didn't believe a word Quinn was saying. "Do you love him?"

"Don't do that." Quinn shook her head.

"Do you love me?" Puck asked.

Quinn bit her lip and looked at her hands with Puck's. She slowly eyed her way back up to Puck's face.

"Is that why you're not completely committed to him?" Puck questioned Quinn. "You're not over me?"

Quinn felt Puck's eyes burning into hers. Her cheeks were on fire.

"Even with all his money, there's something you want that he can't buy you." Puck noted. "Or that he can't give you that I could."

"Biff doesn't want kids." Quinn admitted as she let go of Puck's hands and sat down on the bed again.

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