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When they were settled in at a spot on the beach, Quinn spread out the blanket she brought and laid on it, so she could start tanning.

"Let's go in the water." Puck said.

"Yes! Dude, it's literally crystal clear." Sam added in amazement.

"Boys! Sunscreen!" Rachel scolded.

The boys rolled their eyes and looked at Rachel.

Quinn watched as Sam took his shirt off. She had sunglasses on, but she knew Sam knew she was watching.

Sam was cute, but he was schoolboy cute. His impressions were somewhat funny, and the brief attraction Quinn once had to him was long gone.

Things with Puck were more complicated.

Quinn eyed Puck as he slowly took his shirt off. She glanced at the tattoo that he got with Jake a few years ago.

Puck looked older than the last time she had seen him, but he looked good. More grown-up and more mature.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she studied a white scar that stuck out on Puck's tan shoulder.

When all of the boys were done applying sunscreen, they hurried towards the water as if they had never been to a beach before. Tina and Marley went with them, but the other girls and Kurt stayed back to soak up the sun.

"You should talk to him, Quinn." Santana advised Quinn. "I saw you checking him out."

"I wasn't." Quinn insisted, even though she knew she definitely was. She wanted to ask about Puck's scar, but she knew she shouldn't. She took her sunglasses off and looked at her friends. "I'm going swimming if any of you wanna join me."

"Cold shower?" Brittany teased.

Quinn rolled her eyes as she walked towards the water.

"Where's Blaine?" Quinn asked.

"Right here!" Blaine exclaimed as he jumped at Quinn and shoved her into the water.

Quinn shrieked as she got up. "That's so cold!"

"But it's so clear!" Blaine pointed out in awe.

Quinn nodded as she backed up. She stood in the water up to her ankles while the majority of her friends were in up to their waists.

Quinn smiled as she watched her friends. It was nice for so many of them to be together again.

Puck got out of the water and walked right past Quinn to go back to their spot.

Quinn didn't watch him. She didn't move at all.

"Puck made us leave so he could lie down." Rachel informed Quinn as she and the other girls approached her. "Come in the water with us."

"Maybe in a little bit." Quinn stated. "I'm gonna talk to him."

"Really?" Santana grinned.

Quinn nodded. "It's not like we're gonna get back to what we were, but I want everyone to enjoy themselves this week without any tension."

"Let us know how it goes." Brittany requested.

"Good luck!" Kurt added as they walked away.

Quinn took a deep breath as she walked over to their spot. She stood over Puck and looked at him.

"You're on my blanket."

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