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Once Quinn had souvenirs for herself, her mom, Beth, Shelby, and others, she decided to go to the beach.

Quinn saw Blaine standing at the edge of the water. She quickly ran over and pushed him.

"Payback." Quinn smiled when Blaine turned to look at her.

"Well played." Blaine noted.

Quinn nodded. "Thanks. Where's Puck?"

"He's over there." Blaine said, pointing him out.

"We should get him, too." Quinn said.

Blaine smirked. "I like that idea."

Quinn and Blaine quickly ran into the water. They hurried over to Puck.

Quinn looked at Blaine and held up three fingers for a countdown.

After one, Quinn jumped onto Puck's back while Blaine splashed him.

"You two are idiots." Puck muttered as he flipped Quinn into the water.

Quinn jumped up and watched as Puck went after Blaine.

After Puck tossed Blaine into the water, he scooped Quinn up.

"You already tossed me into the water." Quinn reminded Puck.

Puck nodded as he put Quinn down.

"How was shopping?" Puck wondered.

"Good." Quinn smiled. "I got souvenirs for Sarah and your mom."

Puck raised his eyebrow. "You did?"

"So they'll yell at you less about not seeing them as soon as you came back." Quinn explained.

"Thanks." Puck smiled. "That was really nice of you."

"I got you something, too." Quinn added.

"Did you get something for Biff?" Puck questioned Quinn.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Yes."

Puck nodded.

"You can have it on our last day together." Quinn told Puck.

"Cool, thanks." Puck smiled.

Quinn pecked Puck's lips lightly. "I'm gonna go lay in the sun now."

Puck raised his eyebrow and smiled slightly.

Quinn slowly walked back to the blanket. She knew Puck was watching her.

When she reached the blanket, Quinn laid down and closed her eyes while she soaked up the sun.

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