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"Are you ready to order yet?"

Quinn looked at the waiter. "We're waiting for two more people. I'm sorry."

"You'll get a really nice tip." Biff added as the annoyed waiter walked away.

Quinn rolled her eyes.

"You can't keep waitstaff waiting for twenty minutes, Quinn. It's rude." Biff responded. "They're trying to make a living."

"Don't talk down to people just because you can bribe them with money." Quinn muttered.

"I'm just being considerate so he won't spit in our food." Biff said.

Quinn glanced at her friends. They were looking at each other with raised eyebrows and sipping their drinks uncomfortably.

"I think it's safe to say that Santana and Puck-"

"Are here." Jake concluded as he looked towards the door.

"Sorry we're late." Santana apologized. "I was showing Puck my apartment."

Quinn hugged Santana and leaned towards her ear. "If you can't say anything nice, be quiet. Please."

"I'm always nice." Santana smirked, but Quinn knew better.

"Honey, this is Santana." Quinn introduced the Latina.

"It's... Hi." Santana said as she shook Biff's hand and glanced at Quinn.

"Nice to meet you." Biff smiled as he turned to Puck. "And who's this?"

Quinn looked at Puck. "Oh, um, this is, um..."

"Noah Puckerman." Puck said as he shook Biff's hand.

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