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Quinn excused herself to go to the bathroom to calm down and clean herself up. When she was calm, she curled up beside Puck on his bed.

"Q." Puck said softly.

"I'm just laying here." Quinn replied.

Puck paused for a moment and nodded.

"I wanna hear about it." Quinn decided. "The last four years."

"You don't wanna know and I don't wanna talk about it." Puck told Quinn.

"Will you at least tell me what happened to your shoulder?" Quinn requested. "I wanna know how you got that nasty scar."

Puck shrugged. "I don't really remember it happening. I remember feeling pain and waking up in the hospital with Santana standing next to my bed, yelling at me for almost dying, but that's really it."

"Does the scar hurt?" Quinn wondered.

Puck shook his head. "It's a little sensitive."

Quinn nodded slowly as she looked at Puck.

"What about you? You said you see Beth a lot." Puck reminded Quinn. "How'd that happen?"

"A few months after you left, I ran into Shelby and Beth when I was leaving an audition. We started talking, and a few weeks later, I started babysitting Beth." Quinn explained. "I watch her two or three days during the week."

"And Biff is okay with that?" Puck asked.

"He didn't care at first." Quinn said. "And then one day he commented that she looked like me, so I told him about her, and you, and he wasn't happy."

"And now?" Puck wondered.

"He takes us to dinner sometimes to try and bond with her, but..." Quinn shrugged as she trailed off. "I can tell he's trying."

"I videochatted with Beth occasionally when I was away." Puck told Quinn.

"She's getting so big." Quinn nodded. "She looks like you."

Puck shook his head. "She's all you. Blonde hair, cute little nose."

"She has your eyes and your smile." Quinn told Puck.

Puck shrugged. "When I look at her, all I see is you."

"All I see is you." Quinn smiled.

Puck looked at Quinn and smiled back. "Well, at least if Biff never comes around on the whole having kids thing, we still have Beth."

Quinn nodded. "We'll always have Beth."

Puck nodded in agreement.

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