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"I'm not going to dinner." Quinn told Rachel. "I feel seasick."

"I'll give you a pass today, but tomorrow is the last dinner, so you have to come." Rachel told Quinn.

Quinn nodded. "I will."

"I'm sure Noah will be disappointed." Rachel said.

"I doubt it." Quinn shook her head.

Rachel raised her eyebrow.

"We kind of got into a fight." Quinn stated. "And he's really mad."

Rachel frowned. "You two were so close to ending the week on good terms."

Quinn shrugged. "I ruined it."

"Then fix it." Rachel advised Quinn.

Quinn nodded. "I'll talk to him tomorrow. I know Puck, and right now, he needs space from me."

Rachel nodded back. "I'm gonna go to dinner. I'll let you know if he's there."

"That's not why I'm skipping dinner." Quinn reminded Rachel.

"I know." Rachel said. "If you need anything, let me know."

"I need Biff's ring." Quinn replied.

"I'll get it back." Rachel promised. "See you later."

"See you later."

Quinn laid on her bed and thought about Biff and Puck. She knew she would have to make a big decision before she talked to Puck.

Quinn ended up dozing off, and she woke up to Rachel entering the room.

"Sorry." Rachel apologized. "I found your ring. Housekeeping just brought it to me."

"Thanks." Quinn said as she sat up and took the ring. She didn't put it back on, she just held onto it.

"A bunch of us are going to the theater tonight to watch them perform Rock of Ages." Rachel told Quinn. "It starts in two hours."

"Can I talk to you about something?" Quinn blurted.

Rachel sat down on the edge of her bed and nodded.

"I think I'm gonna call off the engagement." Quinn told Rachel.

"Just follow your heart, Quinn." Rachel said. "Don't listen to me or Noah, or anyone."

"I need to talk to him and tell him everything." Quinn decided.

Rachel grinned excitedly.

Quinn got dressed and fixed her hair and makeup.

"How do I look?" She asked nervously.

"Beautiful." Rachel responded.

Quinn took a deep breath. "Keep an eye on that ring."

Rachel laughed lightly. "Go talk to Noah."

Quinn nodded as she walked out of her room. She headed down the hall and stood outside of Puck and Santana's room.

As she raised her fist to knock, the door opened. A tall, thin, leggy blonde walked out, barely glancing at Quinn.

Quinn felt like an idiot. She slowly turned around and went back to her room.

Around 9pm, Quinn and Rachel met their friends in the lobby. Puck and Jake were the last to arrive.

The twelve friends filed into the auditorium and sat in one row. Quinn sat at one end, and Puck sat at the other.

He didn't look at her at all during the performance. Quinn knew Puck liked Rock of Ages, but he didn't like it as much as he was pretending to.

When the performance ended, Quinn stood up with her friends and clapped as the cast members took their bows.

"Where'd Puck go?" Mike wondered.

Jake shrugged. "He was just here."

"I'm gonna go back to my room." Quinn decided. "See you all at breakfast tomorrow."

"See you."

Quinn went back to her room and put on pajamas. She laid in bed and watched TV until she fell asleep.

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