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"Thanks for dinner." Puck said as he and Quinn left the steakhouse.

"Anytime." Quinn responded as she took Puck's hand and looked up at him. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Puck said.

"That proposal story you told the waitress-"

"I couldn't think on the spot like that." Puck cut Quinn off.

"I was gonna say I thought that was really romantic." Quinn told Puck.

Puck smiled slightly. "Oh. Cool."

Quinn smiled back.

"'Cause you know if I was proposing to you for real, I would make it better than that." Puck added. "And I'd totally embarrass you more."

"I know you would." Quinn nodded.

Puck squeezed Quinn's hand. "I'm really glad you came on this vacation. I had a lot of fun with you this week."

"Yeah." Quinn agreed. "Me, too."

"What do you wanna do now?" Puck wondered.

"Let's walk around the ship." Quinn said. "Like we were supposed to."

"Okay." Puck nodded.

"And then we'll get late night fries and have a sleepover in your room." Quinn decided.

Puck raised his eyebrow. "A sleepover?"

"Just sleeping, Noah." Quinn clarified. "I'll even sleep in Santana's bed if you want me to."

"I can control myself." Puck reminded Quinn. "Let's see if you can."

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