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"Hey, Quinn."

"Sam." Quinn muttered as she turned to Rachel. "Can I talk to you?"

"Go ahead." Rachel nodded.

Quinn glanced at Tina, Mike, and Sam. "I would feel more comfortable if we talked in private."

"We can talk later." Rachel promised.

"Okay." Quinn sighed as she looked at her friends. "See you guys later."

Rachel nodded, and the others smiled.

Quinn headed back to her room and bumped into Puck in the hall. "Hey."

Puck smiled at her. "Hey."

"You slept in today." Quinn noted.

Puck shook his head. "Not really, but I sleep a little better when I'm drunk."

Quinn nodded. "I guess you'll have to keep drinking."

"Yeah." Puck laughed lightly.

Quinn smiled.

"Did you eat yet? I'm on my way to get breakfast." Puck stated. "I could use some company."

"Where's Santana?" Quinn wondered.

"I think she was hanging out with Brittany." Puck shrugged. "I don't know."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Come on, you're not gonna make me eat by myself like a loser, are you?" Puck grinned.

"I guarantee someone will take pity on you and sit with you." Quinn stated.

"If you keep talking, they're gonna run out of bacon." Puck warned Quinn.

Quinn smiled as she took Puck's hand. "You had me at bacon."

The duo walked to the buffet with their fingers interlaced. Quinn noticed how perfectly her small, soft hand fit in Puck's large, strong hand, and how safe she felt.

"It's crowded." Puck noted. "I'll go save us a table."

Quinn nodded as she let go of Puck's hand. "I'll make a plate for you."

"Thanks." Puck said.

"It's the least I can do for someone who served my country." Quinn smiled slightly.

"Don't mock me, Fabray." Puck shook his head. "It was tougher than I made it seem."

"I'm not mocking you." Quinn promised as she walked over to the buffet line. She grabbed two plates and started filling them up.

"Eating for two?"

Quinn shook her head as she looked at Rachel. "One is for me and one is for-"

"Noah?" Rachel guessed. "I saw him on my way to get more tea."

Quinn nodded. "I just ran into him and he asked me to join him at breakfast. He didn't wanna eat alone."

"I don't approve of what you're doing." Rachel blurted.

"What am I doing?" Quinn asked innocently.

"You're gonna lead him on." Rachel told Quinn.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Do you even remember Biff?" Rachel questioned Quinn.

"I'm not leading anyone on." Quinn told Rachel. "Trust me."

Rachel folded her arms and looked at her roommate.

"Noah and I are just catching up." Quinn promised. "And I'll catch up with Biff when we get back from the cruise."

"You can't always make two guys fight for you." Rachel stated.

"I'm not." Quinn insisted. "I'm just hanging out with Noah. Platonically. When we all go home, things will be normal again."

"I don't think you know what platonic means." Rachel muttered.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "What?"

"You told me you kissed Noah." Rachel informed Quinn.

Quinn raised her eyebrow. "What's your point?"

"If you figure out what you want, you can go after it." Rachel told Quinn.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Noah doesn't deserve this." Rachel said as she walked away.

Slowly, Quinn continued moving down the line while she thought about what Rachel said.

Quinn huffed as she returned to the table and put a plate of food in front of Puck.

"I got you a water." Quinn growled as she sat down across from Puck.

"Someone's hangry." Puck noted.

"I just ran into Rachel." Quinn said. "She's driving me insane."

"What'd she say?" Puck wondered.

Quinn shook her head. "Nothing."

Puck nodded slowly. "Well, thanks for getting me food."

"You're welcome." Quinn said. "Someone finished the bacon, so I couldn't get you any."

"By someone, you mean you." Puck noted as he eyed Quinn's plate.

Quinn smiled slightly. "I'll share with you."

"Wow, lucky me." Puck grinned.

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