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"I feel sick." Quinn said as she sat down on her bed.

"We'll find the ring." Rachel promised.

Quinn shook her head. "I can feel the ship moving again. And I need to talk to Puck."

"Talk to Puck at dinner." Kurt said.

"No, I need to tell him about the engagement before he hears it from one of you, or Santana." Quinn explained as she slowly stood up. "I should probably find Santana actually."

"We'll keep calling and looking for it." Rachel said. "Come back before dinner."

"I will." Quinn nodded. "Thank you. See you guys soon."

Quinn went to Santana and Puck's room and knocked on the door.

The door opened and Puck stood there.

"Hey, can we talk about last night?" Puck asked.

"Where's Santana?" Quinn wondered.

"Shower." Puck said. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I need her." Quinn replied. "She has my anti-seasick bracelet and I'm seriously gonna throw up."

"You wanna lay down and wait for her?" Puck suggested. "I'm sure she's almost done."

"Sure." Quinn nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem." Puck responded.

Quinn slowly walked in and sat on Santana's bed.

"Can we talk about last night?" Puck repeated.

"Not now." Quinn said. "I don't want Santana to know."

Puck nodded slowly.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Quinn asked.

"No." Puck answered. "I don't need another lecture."

"Another lecture?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

Before Puck could answer, Santana interrupted the duo. She was standing in the doorway of the bathroom wrapped in a towel while Quinn and Puck looked at her.

"What's up, Quinn?" Santana asked.

"I wanted to talk to you." Quinn stated. "Alone."

Santana looked at Puck. "Why are you still here?"

"Geez." Puck muttered. "See you two at dinner."

When Puck walked out, Santana folded her arms.

"Why didn't you tell him I'm engaged?" Quinn wondered. "You told him I have a boyfriend."

"The engagement is new and I didn't want you to replace me as maid of honor, so I just didn't tell the whole truth." Santana explained. "Kind of like how you're not wearing the ring."

"I didn't wanna lose it." Quinn lied, frowning at the irony of the situation.

Santana rolled her eyes. "You need to tell him. It'll hurt him, but he needs to hear it from you."

Quinn sighed. "I've hurt him too many times."

"This is the last time." Santana pointed out. "You two are my best friends, but I can't keep watching you get hurt over each other."

Quinn bit her lip.

"I'll make sure he's okay." Santana promised.

Quinn took a deep breath. "I'll talk to him now."

Quinn walked out of Santana's room. Quinn knew that Puck couldn't have gotten far, so she headed to the lobby.


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