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"Jake and Noah are brothers." Quinn added as she hugged Puck. "I'm so glad you're here."

"I wouldn't miss saying goodbye." Puck whispered back as they parted.

Biff looked at Jake as he sat down. "You two are brothers? You don't look alike."

"My mom is black, Puck's mom is white." Jake responded.

"We have the same asshole for a dad." Puck added as he sat down beside Quinn.

"Is anyone else related to each other?" Biff wondered as he looked around the table, pausing briefly at Mike and Tina.

Quinn elbowed him. "Stop."

"So what do all of you do for a living?" Biff asked everyone.

"Santana, Tina, Rachel, Kurt, and myself are all Broadway performers." Blaine answered.

"When you're not throwing me into cold water." Quinn mumbled.

Blaine laughed lightly. "It was fun."

"Yeah, you enjoyed it, Q." Puck added.

"And what do you do?" Biff questioned Puck.

"Nothing." Puck shrugged.

"Noah just finished four years in the Air Force." Rachel answered. "We're all extremely proud of him."

"That's nice." Biff nodded. "What made you sign up for that?"

Puck glanced at Quinn. "My best friend died and I wanted to honor him."

"Wow, I'm sorry." Biff frowned. "Were you all friends with him?"

"He was my brother." Kurt said softly as he took Rachel's hand. "And Rachel's boyfriend."

"I'm really sorry to hear that." Biff said. "But it was nice of you to honor him."

Puck nodded slowly and bit his lip.

Quinn reached over and held his hand on his lap.

Luckily, the waiter returned, interrupting the group of thirteen.

"Are we ready to order?"

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