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"Me and Santana are going to the beach today." Brittany told Quinn. "You should come."

Quinn raised her eyebrow as she started eating the plate of bacon she had grabbed from the buffet.

"It's not a date." Santana clarified. "I think everyone is going to the beach, actually."

"I'll come, too, then." Quinn decided.

"Cool." Brittany smiled. "We have to take a smelly bus to get there, but it'll be fun."

Quinn nodded as she pushed her plate away and stood up. "I'm gonna change into a bikini and pack a beach bag."

Quinn excused herself and headed back to her room. She packed a towel, sunscreen, and some water bottles for the beach. She changed into a baby pink bikini, pairing it with her black flip flops and a white cover-up.

Quinn put her hair in a messy bun and put her sunglasses on before leaving her room.

Everyone had agreed to meet in the lobby on deck 5 at 10:30 am.

Quinn was sitting in a chair waiting for her friends when he walked in.

Luckily, Rachel was right behind him with Kurt and Blaine.

"Hey, guys." Quinn smiled at the trio, ignoring Puck.

"Hey." Rachel grinned. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Quinn nodded. "Thanks."

"Mike and Tina were right behind us on the stairs." Blaine informed Quinn. "But I have no clue where the others are."

"I think we should all get in line to get off the ship." Rachel stated. "We'll all get on the same bus."

"Let's just go." Puck said. "If they miss the bus, it's not our fault. We were on time."

"Some of us don't wake up at 5am every morning, Private Puckerman." Santana growled as she, Sam, and Brittany walked over to everyone.

"And some of you also never served the country." Puck retorted.

"You're the worst." Santana rolled her eyes. "I don't know why I agreed to share a room with you this week."

"Feel free to switch with anybody." Puck stated as Jake walked over with Marley. "That's everyone. Let's go."

Everyone followed Puck and Jake downstairs to the lines to get off the ship. Quinn ended up in the back with Marley.

"It's really good to see you again." Marley said. "It's been a while."

Quinn nodded. "Yeah. How's NYADA?"

"It's good." Marley smiled. "I mean, it was good. I just graduated."

"Wow, Marley, that's great. Congratulations!" Quinn grinned. "What's next for you?"

"Thank you." Marley blushed. "I think I wanna be on Broadway, so I'm gonna start going on auditions."

Quinn nodded. "If you ever need anything in New York, let me know. Or Santana or Rachel."

"Thanks." Marley nodded back. "What have you been up to?"

"Not much." Quinn responded as she and Marley followed the others off the ship.

They got on the bus and grabbed the first seats they could find.

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