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Quinn felt nauseous on the bus ride back to the ship. It had been a long day, and it was so hot and crowded on the bus. She ended up sitting with Santana after Rachel ditched her to sit with Blaine.

"Did you two talk?" Santana asked.

Quinn shrugged. "A little."

"And?" Santana wondered.

"I apologized and he said it's okay." Quinn explained.

"Good." Santana said. "That's a step in the right direction."

Quinn nodded.

"You said some pretty nasty things to him." Santana noted.

Quinn frowned. Santana was supposed to be on her side. Even if she wasn't.

Santana got up and squished on the bench with Puck and Jake, leaving Quinn alone.

Quinn folded her arms. She was with people who once meant so much to her and her life, but she still felt so alone and left out.


"Hi, Tina."

"I'm really glad you came." Tina stated. "When we get back to New York, we should go on a double date."

"Yeah, I'll talk to Biff about it." Quinn promised as she watched Santana, Puck, and Jake.

Tina followed Quinn's gaze to see what she was distracted by.

"Oh, we're back!"

Quinn quickly got up and led her friends off the bus. She got in line to board the ship.

When they got back on the ship, the friends split up and headed back to their rooms to shower.

Rachel showered first. She had hurried to the room as soon as she got back on the ship to make sure she got to shower first.

Quinn got in the shower when Rachel was done. After her shower, Quinn put on a blue and white vertical-striped dress and white wedges. She straightened her hair and put on makeup before heading to meet everyone at dinner.

"You look nice."

Quinn turned around and looked at Jake, Marley, and Puck.

"Thanks, Marley. You do, too." Quinn smiled.

"Wanna walk to dinner with us?" Jake asked.

Quinn shook her head and took a deep breath as she looked at Puck. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Puck looked at Quinn. "We're already late for dinner."

Quinn frowned as Puck walked away.

"Wait 'til he has a beer or two." Jake advised Quinn as he led Marley away.

Quinn followed the trio to dinner. She sat down in the last empty seat, which was next to Sam.

Sam grinned. "Hey, Quinn."

"Oh, hey." Quinn mumbled as she watched Puck and Santana at the other end of the table.

"How was your shower?" Sam asked.

Quinn raised her eyebrow as she turned to Blaine, who was beside her.

"I'm gonna get you back for the beach." Quinn warned Blaine. "I just don't know how or when."

Blaine nodded. "Well, good thing I have Kurt to protect me."

Kurt smiled as he leaned his head against Blaine's shoulder.

"I'm sure I could manage to get Sam to protect me. Or Mike." Quinn responded with a grin.

"What are we doing after dinner?" Brittany wondered.

"We should go to the club." Kurt suggested.

Puck raised his eyebrow. "You wanna go to the club?"

Kurt nodded. "It'll be fun!"

"Drinking is totally fun, but I could've sworn you, Blaine, and Berry were allergic to fun." Puck teased with a smirk.

"For your information, I'm the fun roommate." Rachel said as she folded her arms and looked at Quinn.

"Rachel's more fun than Quinn?" Puck raised his eyebrow. "There's a first. I left for four years and the whole world flipped upside-down?"

"Tell them about your book club, Quinn." Rachel added.

Everyone turned and looked at Quinn.

"Book club is really just code for sex." Quinn said, which couldn't have been further from the truth.

The former New Directions members laughed and cheered happily for Quinn. Quinn faked a smile as she tried to join them.

When dinner was over, the friends went back to their rooms to get ready for the club.

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