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"Im sorry mommy please don't make me go in there with that man" I cried trying to get out of my mother's grip.

She pushed me into the room "make mommy proud" she told me.

My little 13 year old body shook in fear as the man walked up to me.

"Ma!" I yelled scared, trying to open the door that was locked from the outside.

The man picked my little body up and laid me on the bed.

"Help me! Mommy!" I screamed as the man stripped me out of my clothes.

I kicked and screamed, getting away from him until he slammed me on the dresser.

He put his stuff inside of me making me cry louder.

"Mommy please! Get him off of me!" I screamed pushing the man's stomach so he could get off of me but he pinned my wrist down.

"Mommy" I whimpered still trying to fight the man off.

He finished what he was doing and pulled up his pants, knocking on the door three times before my mother opened it.

She glanced at me and then looked back at the man who handed her money before walking into the room.

I cried and moved away from her.

"You weren't a good girl today" she told me, putting my face in her hands.

"Why didn't you help me? He was hurting me" I whimpered.

She shook her head "you have to let them do what they want, in order for us to eat. You like to eat don't you?"

*Flashback over*

"The custody of the Alaesha Garcia goes to her aunt, Mia Jenkins the judge announced as everyone clapped and hollered in excitement.

I just sat there waiting for them to tell me where to go and what to do.


"Are you excited about coming to Florida with me?" My aunt asked excitedly.

I just nodded and sat back, buckling my seat belt.

I'm ready to just turn 18 so everyone can go away.



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The Girl With The Broken Heart (completed)Where stories live. Discover now