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I woke up before Alaesha, sliding from under her body.

I walked out of her room and got her a water bottle for when she wakes up before going back to the kitchen and making bacon, eggs and waffles so she could wash away anything from yesterday.

"Jahseh? When did you get here" Mia asked making me turn and smile at her.

"Like yesterday night" I answered and turned to my eggs to keep scrambling.

"So you and Alaesha are back on good terms?" She asked, walking in the kitchen and getting something to drink.

I nodded and she smiled and walked past me again "that's good, she's much worse without you."

I just let her walk away, turning off the eyes to the stove before making our plates.

I took the plates to the lounging part of her room before going back and getting some juice, when I came back with the juice she was sitting up in her bed, rubbing her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking over at me.

I ignored her for a little while and went to put the juices down before returning to her.

"I fixed us breakfast" I told her.

She nodded and got out of her bed, making her way to the food.

I sat beside her, turning her television on and putting my arm over her shoulder.

She didn't do anything in response but enjoy her food.

"When's the last time you ate?" I asked her, seeing how fast she was eating and realizing how much weight she's lost.

She shrugged and continued to eat making me shake my head.

"What's the big deal Jah, I'm eating right now aren't I?" She spoke, rolling her eyes at me.

"The big deal is it's unhealthy to go days without eating and you have no reason to even do it."

"Oh my gosh just leave the whole situation alone" she rolled her eyes at me making me scrunch my eyebrows together.

Where the fuck is she getting this type of attitude from.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She scuffed causing my temper to rise.

"Lae what the fuck is going in your mind to possess you to set this way?" I asked her in a calm manner making her raise an eyebrow at me.

"I'm trying to help you, again and you're trying to push me away, again" I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm not pushing you away I just want you to let me go through some things on my own, if I need you I'll tell, I'll come to you" she explained to me.



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