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I walked with Jahseh down the aisle of the grocery store, so far I been doing good containing my anxiety, well I think so Jahseh says otherwise.

Two teenaged girls ran up to us while a boy trailed slowly behind them making me slightly jump and my heart rate sped up. I gripped tightly on to Jah's arm, wanting to hide behind him.

"You're XXXTentacion" the girl said excitedly.

"I love your music, can we take a picture with you" she asked and if course he said yes.

I stepped away from him and let the two girls take a photo with him, the boy being the one to take it.

His attention then going to me making my heart beat out of my chest. The girls conversed with Jahseh about his music as the boy tried to converse with me.

"I mean if your his girlfriend that's all you have to say, I'll leave you alone" the boy spoke calmly.

"I-I-" Jahseh cut me off by pulling me into him.

I took in all of his scent, holding on to his chest.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend" he chuckled a little.

The girls cooed as the boy just says "ight."

The group walked away from us making me sigh and unhook myself from Jahseh.

"You need to take your medicine" he told me, pulling the pills out.

I shook my head, pushing the bottle away from me.

"We had a deal" he told me, pushing them closer.

I sighed and took them out of his hands "I don't even have water or food."

"Don't worry bout it, you'll take them in the car" he told me as he grabbed me taking me down the rest of the aisle.

He got what he needed and we checked out before going to the car.

"Okay, we gone stop by Wendy's and get you a water and something to eat on the way to my mom's house."

"Y-Your mom?" I asked beginning to get nervous.

He nodded with a smirk on his face.

I shook my head "Jah I can't meet your mom, what if she doesn't like me? And I look a mess, she's going to tell you to leave me because I'm ugly" I cried.

He wiped my tears and kissed me "she'll love you and even if she didn't I wouldn't leave you also stop telling yourself your ugly because your not."

I nodded and bit on to my lip, beginning to grow even more nervous.

He sighed "yeah, you need to take your medicine."





The Girl With The Broken Heart (completed)Where stories live. Discover now