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1 month later

"I'm scared Jahseh" I spoke beginning to cry again.

So far we've gotten nowhere with this.

"Shh, your okay, you just have to trust me" he smiled at me before pecking my lips again.

I nodded and laid back, letting him lay on top of me. I let him kiss my body, beginning to enjoy it I let out a little moan.

He smirked continuing to kiss down until he got to my spot. He gently took my panties off before putting his face down there.

I felt a kiss and his tongue slid against me causing me to gasp and slide back.

He sat up and looked me in my eyes "I'm not going to hurt you, it's okay" he assured me for the 20th time in the last hour.

It's a good thing we are at his house and Ski and Trunks are out of town.

He got back where he was and pulled me on to his tongue making me gasp again. He held me against him, making sure I didn't move this time.

I felt his tongue touch my clit making me jump and moan loudly. My hands gripped his sheets tightly as he begin to suck on it.

I tried to move away again but Jah made sure I stayed where I was. I don't know what it was but something was making me uncomfortable.

I tried to move again making Jahseh glare up at me and continue. He put my clit in his mouth and continued to just suck, driving my crazy.

He came up and put his thumb on it, moving it around fastly making my eyes roll back and I gripping the sheets. My lower body involuntarily moved with his hand making me sigh in defeat.

"Open your eyes" he's voice spoke softly.

I opened them, letting them land on him the on his hand as my breathing begin to get hard. He smacked my clit making it turn red along with my face.

I balled up the sheets in my fist as I let out a loud screech feeling like so much relief was just taken off of me.

Jahseh smiled and angled himself between my legs. I just watched him, not trying to think about how much it might hurt or how uncomfortable it was going to be.

He leaned down and kissed me, deeply. He slid his tongue in my mouth and held my sides. He slid a little into me causing me to jump and try to run away but he held me.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he reassured me.

He pushed more in making me stop and push on to his chest.

"It hurts Jahseh" I told him as the tears begin to fall.

He wiped them away and pulled out some, doing tiny thrust so I would be okay.




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