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If was Alaesha's turn again to go on the stand since everyone was now bringing up the nightmares that she had. They wanted to know what they were about.

Alaesha sat on the stand with sigh. She didn't want to tell them but they already knew about her being sold so this wouldn't be that much bigger.

"Could you tell me what some of the dreams you have are about?" The lady asked Alaesha.

"Just putting me back in that house, in that room" she told her making her nod.

"Were you ever submissive when the guys assaulted you that way?" She asked making Alaesha shake her head.

"But you were submissive towards Mr.Onfroy correct?" She asked making Alaesha nod.

"So tell me what the difference is" she smirked making Lae look at her in disgust.

"I was 13 with 45 year old men touching on while I'm 17 now and Jahseh is 18. I wanted him to touch me that way and he didn't pay to do it" she answered.

"Why is there no case against these 45 year old men?" She continued.

"Because my mother let them do it, I don't know what part of this you aren't getting" Alaesha rolled her eyes at the woman.

"Then why is there no case against your mother?"

"The cops came to the house a lot, trying to arrest her but they had no proof and there are two cases I know of that have her name in it" Alaesha explained.

"But wouldn't their proof be you telling them what you've been through? And could you tell me these cases?"

"Their proof would be that but my mother only allowed them to talk to me one time and that was after a week of her not forcing me to do anything."

"As for the cases I know the one where they locked up the people who murdered her and the one where they decided who was getting custody of me."

"Do you know who murdered your mother?" She asked while Alaesha shook her head.

She nodded "your aunt has custody of you right?"

Alaesha nodded again, not wanting to answer anymore questions.

"Did she know everything that you had been through?"

Alaesha shook her head again, beginning to get frustrated.

"What about Mr. Onfroy does he know everything?"

Alaesha shook her another time.

"Why do you keep things like that in if they hurt you?" She asked.

"Because everything isn't for everyone to know, once I told my story in this courtroom everyone looked at me differently then they did when they first walked in I bet you."




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