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I limped into my cell and let out a big huff

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I limped into my cell and let out a big huff. They didn't have anyone in here with me making me sigh in relief and lay down on the hard bed.

I put my hands behind my head and locked them together as I stared up at bottom of the bunk above me.

Only thing that was really on my mind right now was why Briana would do something like this to me? I didn't do anything to hurt her, ever.

Then Alaesha crossed me mind, she's probably so tired and drained right now without me being there for her.

That's really who I missed the most because for her to be quiet and undeniably cute she had some warrior in her because even though she knew I was in a relationship and Briana didn't like her she still called me when she needed me.

I wanted to hold her right now and tell her everything was okay because I could feel that she was hurting.

I sighed and turned over making me wince a little because of my bruised side from the police officers jumping me. Honestly any other time some shit like that happened I would fight back but these were police officers and I could get less time and give them some if I proved that they hurt me.


"You look tired" Ski told me as he drove us to the police station

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"You look tired" Ski told me as he drove us to the police station.

"I am" I told him with a sigh.

"I feel you I barely got any sleep last night too because of this shit" he explained.

I just nodded at him, knowing he didn't know about my nightmares.

When we got to the station they took us too different rooms to ask us questions. I sat in the room with a male officer who held an angry expression but I wasn't afraid of him.

"So you like to mess with people when they're in relationships?" He asked with a stale face.

"Huh?" I spoke confused.

"The way the Mr.Onfroy explains it him and Briana were dating when you called him over.

I shrugged "I knew Jahseh before her and he helps me with my nightmares, I only called him to come lay with me" I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled "so it makes it better because you knew him first?" He questioned me.

I sighed and sat back in my seat, knowing that this officer is some bullshit.

"Let me explain something too you okay officer whatever the fuck your name is. It is clear that Briana is something to you because you didn't call her by her last name like you did Jahseh-" I trailed off making him look scared.

"And for me to only be 17 I've been through more then a lot in my life and you sitting here, thinking you're scaring me isn't doing shit I'm not scared of you and if you touch me I will get you sent to jail and I mean it from the bottom of whatever the fuck shits in my chest."



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