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Alaesha squirmed in her sleep as she ran down the cold road

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Alaesha squirmed in her sleep as she ran down the cold road. She was running away from home, away from her evil mother.

She didn't really know where she was going because she'd never been outside of the house.

She stopped running and started to look around her so she could remember things and decide where to go.

While she was walking she was yanked into an alley meeting eye to eye with a man that had came into the room before.

"N-No!" she screamed, wiggling in his arms.

"Shh pretty girl" he spoke, moving her curly hair behind her ear.

(A/N this is the man from chapter 33)

"Get off of me!" She yelled, pushing the man.

"That's no way to talk to your dad" he told her.

Alaesha began to get stuck in her thoughts; her mother actually sent her father in there to have sex with her. That's why he was the only "customer" she ever heard call her by her real name. What type of father has sex with their  daughter?

When they started to move Lae snapped out of it and started to squirm again automatically getting punched in her back.

She took the hit and continued to fight but once he hit her in the face she blacked out.

She woke up in her house with no clothes on and chained to her bed making her cry loudly.

Her mother and father walked into the room making her really scared, a teenaged boy came in behind them, beginning to get undressed.

Their goal was to get her pregnant so that she couldn't go anywhere and it'll bring more customers because a lot of man have fetish's over pregnant women and her being a teenager is even better.

The creepy white boy climbed on top of her a began to do what she was way to familiar with.

Alaesha only closed her eyes and cried to herself, whispering a prayer.

The boy leaned over and kissed Lae making her gag as her tears still ran down her cheeks.

Her "parents" had left the room by now so the boy was just doing what he wanted on top of what he was getting payed for.

Alaesha screamed as he started to go too fast for her comfort. The older guys always went slow. The boy wrapped his hand around her neck and tightly squeezed, watching her suffer to breath made him happy.

She clawed at his wrist, wanting to be let go. He finally nutted inside of her so he let go of her neck and got off of her.

She knew what he just did to her and it made her cry more, she didn't want a baby right now and especially not by a person she didn't know.

He just walked out of the room making her sigh, she wish she could just walk away like that.



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