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I sat and thought about the dream that I had last night

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I sat and thought about the dream that I had last night. It was a nightmare like usual until the voice of and angel came. I could feel the presence of it and hear it's voice but I couldn't see it.

Whatever it was it made me feel comfortable but then it disappeared. I need it back, when it was with me my heart wasn't shattered like it usually is.

I wish I could go back to sleep and it could reappear.

Someone knocked on my door making my thoughts go away for a swift second.

"Come in" I spoke softly.

Renae walked in "are you hungry?"

I shook my head no and kept it down.

"You sure?" She asked moving closer to me.

I nodded and laid my body back as she closed the door.

I've never felt so safe like I did last night, where did that come from and when was it coming back? I need it with me every day.

Maybe it's only in my dreams, I wish it was around right now so I wouldn't be so lost in my thoughts.

I sighed and got up to go to the shower.

I put my face mask on and got in. I was in the shower for fifteen minutes before someone knocked on the bathroom door.

I'm starting to think these people really don't know how to leave me alone.

I was scrubbing my arm trying to avoid the deep cuts that laid there.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Your plate is in the microwave" my aunt told me from behind the door.

"Thank you" I said continuing to wash.

I was finally done and I got out wrapping up my bloody arm in a bandage and lotioned my body beginning to put on my clothes.

I walked into the hallway hearing voices coming from the living room. I ignored them and got my plate, going into my room.




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