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It was now 10:30 in the morning and Jahseh was just laying there with Alaesha in his arms he knew that he was going to get in trouble for being here for so long but he fell asleep with Lae and just woke up.

Alaesha was sleeping peacefully on top of Jahseh but she soon woke up because she could hear his heart thumping really fast.

"What's wrong?" She asked sitting up.

"Nothing, I have to go" he told her, sitting her beside him before hopping up.

Alaesha knew why he had to go but chose not to say anything about it. She just laid down in the spot he was in feeling him but his bomber over her.

"You'll be okay" he told her, kissing her forehead.

She nodded and balled herself up "bye."

Jahseh left using the front door to do so. When he got back to his house he noticed it was really quiet meaning no one was there. He walked upstairs and went to his room, plopping on the bed.

He wasn't tired because Alaesha didn't keep him up with conversation this time, this time she really just wanted to go to sleep.

He heard the front door open and just stayed laid in his bed while Briana walked up to the room smelling like liquor and sex.

She opened the room door not expecting to see Jahseh, she thought he would be at Alaesha's house for awhile, cheating on her.

"Bri what the fuck?!" He yelled, examining her.

"Don't talk to me like that, you were at that bitches house all night! What the fuck were y'all doing all fucking night?!" She yelled back.

He shook his head at her stupidity and jealousy.

"You don't know shit, I would never cheat on you but right now you in my face smelling like all the alcohol in the world and ass, you smell like somebody was beating yo shit" he said to her making her look down in shame.

She begin to cry making Jahseh scrunch up his face.

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to it just was in the heat of the moment and-" she was cut off by Jahseh throwing something at her.

"Get the fuck out!" He yelled at her.

"But I love you" she spoke, crying.

"Briana if you don't get the fuck out of my crib!" She listened and left the house, still crying.

Jahseh waited for the door to close before rolling him a blunt, he needed someone to call so he wouldn't get lost in his thoughts and what better person than Emily.

"Hello" she answered, pretending not know who it was that was calling her but she had never deleted his number.

"Hey shawty you trying to make yo way over here?" He asked, still rolling his blunt.

"What you trying to do?" She asked giggling a little.

"You know what I'm trying to do stop playing and come over here" he told her.

She giggled "okay I'm coming."



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