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(January 24th)

Alaesha walked into the courtroom, making her way to the stand as Jahseh watched her. She looked at him but quickly looked away because he looked drained and it killed her to see him like that.

She sat at the stand and looked around the courtroom before Briana's lawyer came up to her, asking her questions.

"So you and Mr.Onfroy dated?" She asked Alaesha and she nodded.

"Was he ever aggressive towards you?" She asked.

"No he's also been protective over me" Alaesha answered honestly.

"Because of your...issues right?" She asked with a smirk making Lae furrow her eyebrows at her.

"No, because he cares about me."

"Who would you say he cared about more, you or Briana?" She asked, expecting Alaesha to be selfish.

She sighed "Briana" she spoke putting her head down.

The lawyer furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Briana. They both didn't know her very well so they thought that she'd be a bitch about it and say her instead.

"No further questions" the lawyer said, going to sit with Briana.

Jahseh's lawyer came up to her next making her sit back a little and calm her self.

"Ms. Garcia were you and Jahseh intimate when you were dating?" He asked making Alaesha take a gulp because the question made her uncomfortable.

"Um yeah" she answered.

"How many times?" He asked.

"Only two times."

"So he never forced you or pressured you into being intimate with him?"

She shook her head, confused on why she was being asked these questions.

"The night that Mr.Onfroy came to your house to "hold you" do you remember what time it was?" He asked her, getting closer to her, making her back up.

"It had to be around 12:30 because that's usually when I wake up from my nightmares."

"And what happened after that?" He asked, walking back which made her sit comfortably again.

"He accidentally feel asleep so he didn't leave until 10."

"But Ms.Thomas says that he sexually assaulted her at maybe 2 in the morning which is impossible seeing as he was with Ms.Garcia" the lawyer spoke making Alaesha glare at Briana because she was trying to add more to Jahseh's already terrible case.

That lawyer sat down and Briana got up making Alaesha sigh.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were uncomfortable when Mr.Jones was walking up to you" She smirked walking up to her but Alaesha didn't back up.

"If Mr.Onfroy never hurt you then why are you so afraid of that man?" She smirked.

"Object your honor!" Jahseh's lawyer yelled as Jahseh looked at her to let her know that she didn't have to say it.

"Over ruled" the judge spoke before turning her attention back to Alaesha.

"Um well when I turned 13 my mother started to sell me to older men and it didn't stop until she died when I was 17" she spoke making everyone begin to talk around the court room.

"So you were sexually assaulted for years and still choose to engage yourself with Mr.Onfroy? Why is that?"

"Because he made me feel safe" she shrugged.

"And how is that?" She asked her.

Alaesha shrugged "when the memories would come back to haunt me in my sleep he would hold me and they'd go away" she spoke making the courtroom awe.

"Did he do that before you guys were dating?"

She nodded and sighed "that's what drew me to him."

The lawyer nodded and went back to her seat beginning to get frustrated with the case.



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