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My Aunt walked me into the house where we would be staying.

"I think Renae's in here but I know you ain't seen her in awhile."

I nodded and walked into the room that had my name on the door, designed with a lot of glitter. I didn't want to knock my aunt's work so I just left it there and closed the door.

I sat my bags on my gray silk sheets, starting to unpack them.

Once I was done unpacking I sat down on my bed and pulled out my cracked Samsung playing music through my head phones.


I laid on my bed crying for the hundredth time today.

She keeps sending them in here and if I fight she let's them beat me. I need help.

I sat up when the door opened seeing a suited man walk in.

"I'm detective John's and I need to ask you some questions."

I nodded, seeing my mother in the hallway.

She keeps staring at me like if I say the wrong thing something bad will happen to me.

"Have there been multiple men running in and out this house?" He asked.

I wanted to say yes so bad but my mother already told me what happens if they find out the truth, I get out in an orphanage and they'll beat me until I can't breath.

"No, I haven't seen any" I lied, they've all been right here, on this bed, in this room making me do things I don't want to and no matter how loud I scream no one helps me.

"You sure?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I nodded.

He sighed "alright well call me if you need me."

He walked out and my mother escorted him out of the house before walking into my room.

She snatched the card out of his hand and slapped me.

"Keep being a bitch if you want I'll kill you" she told me before slamming the room door.

*Flashback over*

She never loved me I shouldn't feel bad for what happened to her. So why do I? Why does it hurt me all the time?


I don't really have anything when I update later it'll take place for next week.

I don't really have anything when I update later it'll take place for next week

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