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I ran my fingers through Alaesha's hair as she laid on my lap

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I ran my fingers through Alaesha's hair as she laid on my lap. I tried to move because someone was knocking at the door but she wrapped her arms around my torso making me stay.

She caught a little cold earlier so now she wants me to baby her more than I ever have.

"Baby I'm just going to answer the door" I told her.

She sighed and let go of me. I got off of the couch making my way to the door. I opened my door to see Emily standing there in a trench coat.

She smirked and let herself, automatically kissing me and putting her hand in my sweatpants.

"Baby I-" Alaesha cut herself off.

She stood up from the chair and made her way over to me and Emily.

"The fuck going on here?" She asked with attitude written through her voice.

"He told me to come over last night but I decided to surprise him now, I didn't know that you'll where dating" she said, lying straight through her teeth.

Lae stared at me for a long time before looking at Emily, she ran her fingers through her hair and let out big huff.

"Jahseh you promised you would never hurt me."

"And I didn't, I promise."

Once I said that she hit Emily in her mouth making her fly back. Emily got up and tried to hit Alaesha but I blocked her.

"Just get out" I told her, still standing in front of Alaesha.

"Really Jahseh after everything you chose her, she doesn't even know you as good as I do" she cried.

"Your not good enough for him bitch, remember that!" Emily yelled at Alaesha before leaving the Condo.

Lae held on to me not seeming bother by what Emily screamed at her, is what I thought before she started to sob.

"I'll never be good enough for anything or anybody, I don't even know why I try."




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