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~1 month later~

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~1 month later~

Today I was headed to my aunt's house for a new check up, by myself because Jah said he's sick. I don't know he's been acting weird lately like he doesn't love me anymore or something but I just brush it off.

Maybe he just needs more comforting but I hold him and tell him I love him a lot, I even started cooking for him and washing his clothes still nothing, maybe it's just me and there's nothing I can do about it, maybe I bore him and he's ready to get rid of me.

I sighed, finally making it to my aunt's house.

I stepped out of the car and went up the stairs to the porch before unlocking the door with the key I was given.

"Oh hey baby, I forgot to call and tell you that the agent said she's coming tomorrow and I'm about to go on a date so I guess I'll see you tomorrow" she smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled back "see you tomorrow."

I huffed and got back into the car, having to drive back across town because she "forgot" to call.

I started to drive anyways not wanting to just sit here and pout for another ten minutes. I started to smile thinking about stopping at the Chinese restaurant by the house and getting Jah some food, he probably hasn't eaten since he feels so sick.

Once I got the food I went back to the house, putting my key in and walking in with a smile.

I walked quietly up the stairs not knowing if he or the other guys were sleeping and there was groaning so I didn't want to disturb anything that was happening.

I opened the room door to see a girl spread across the bed, naked as she placed Jahseh in her mouth making quickly slam the door.

I was stuck and I started to panic as my heart rate sped up.

I didn't want to fight the girl because she more than likely didn't even know I existed but Jah knew I did and he told me loved me and my stupid ass fucking trusted him.

I ran in the room slinging the naked girl off of him as I started to attack him while he tried to grab my wrist to control my hits. The girl was crying, probably because I slung her into the dresser but I don't care.

"Alaesha, stop hitting me!" He yelled as I continued to throw blows at his face.

"I fucking hate you, you stupid bastard why wouldn't you just tell me you didn't want to be with me instead of cheating on me, why?! I did nothing to you!" I yelled finally hopping off of him and letting him fix his clothes.




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