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When I woke up Jahseh was gone, he text me and told me he was at the studio and he left without me because I wouldn't wake up, so I was okay, only one of the guys was here and he was in his room so he wasn't going to bother me

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When I woke up Jahseh was gone, he text me and told me he was at the studio and he left without me because I wouldn't wake up, so I was okay, only one of the guys was here and he was in his room so he wasn't going to bother me.

I had already took my medicine so I went downstairs and warmed up a slice of pizza fir me to eat.

"Good morning" someone spoke from behind me, making me jump.

"M-Morning" I smiled at the short asian boy before grabbing my pizza out of the microwave.

"X told me to ask if you took your medicine" he spoke, looking down at his phone.

"Yeah, I took it" I smiled at him before walk away.

Once I got upstairs I took a deep breath from standing there and associating that long with someone I didn't know, that medicine does wonders because Lord knows I would if freaked out but Jahseh told me to stay on my medicine while I'm here so nothing happens.

I sat down on the bed and pushed play on the movie I was watching before grabbing the pizza off of the nightstand and beginning to eat it, midway through the slice I heard the front door followed by two muffled yells and some laughing and talking before he started to come upstairs.

I watched him walk in the room before I sat the plate down and jumping on him, kissing him repeatedly. He held his hands my waist, letting me do so.

I really just want him to touch me all over, I miss his hands being on me.




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