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I laid still as Jahseh laud on my stomach after he cleaned it off.

"You okay?" He asked, looking up at me.

I nodded and sunk into his bedsheets feeling really tired.

"Goodnight" Jahseh spoke, pecking my lips.



I woke to the smell of eggs and bacon, my legs and torso were sore from the work out my body had last night.

I picked up a shirt off of the floor and slid it on, letting it fall over my body. I lazily walked out if the room, making my way downstairs to see Jahseh dancing in the kitchen while he put food on plates.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs he looked over at me making me freeze and my cheeks heat up. I don't know how he makes me so nervous with the simple things he does.

He walked up to me and pecked my forehead "did you take your medicine?"

I shook my head not wanting to tell him a lie.

He frowned "well go take it before you eat."

"Jah, I don't need it" I reminded him.

He just looked at me blankly before pointing to upstairs where my medicine is.

I shook my head and sat at the table.

He sighed and came and sat in front of me "fine I'll make a deal with you" he smirked at me.

"What's the deal?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'll let you go a whole day without taking your medicine and the moment you start acting different you have to take it" he explained.

I shrugged and nodded "okay"




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