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2 months later

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2 months later

I groaned and rolled over, answering my constantly ringing phone.

"Hello" I answered, obviously annoyed.

"Jah-" someone whimpered from the other side of the phone making me sit up.

"What's wrong? Who is this?" I asked quickly.

"It's Renae and Lae I think she-she overdosed, I'm s-scared" she cried.

"I'm on my way."

I quickly got out of bed and through on a pair of shorts and hoodie, brushing my teeth with speed and sliding on my slides before grabbing my keys and running downstairs.

I finally pulled up to the house running inside the house "Renae!" I yelled hearing whimpers shortly after.

So I rushed in Alaesha's room then bathroom to see her laid out on the floor while Renae held her.

"Jah please help me" she cried, still not looking away from the unconscious Lae.

I sighed and moved her away, sitting Lae up and stuffing my fingers down her throat to see if it was too late but she gagged some up, landing on the floor and my shorts.

I kept doing it making her body jerk everytime the pills were coming up.

I sighed and looked over at Renae "I'm going to need you to leave out."

She nodded and quickly got out while I closed the bathroom door.

I continued to make her throw up the pills until I realized it was like twenty meaning that was the whole bottle, I begin to run a warm both and took off her clothes for her, not trying to look at her in that way.

I sat in the bath and stood there for awhile, waiting to see if she would wake up, once she started I walked out the bathroom and went to get a mop and a broom to clean up the pills.

"Jahseh?" She spoke weakly making me look down at her.

"Why?" She asked beginning to cry.

"Why what?" I asked, kneeling to her side, moving her frizzy curls out of her face.

"Why would you save me? I didn't want to be saved" she answered with a sigh.

Her face begin to turn red as the hot tear rolled down her eye.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?! You don't even love me, you never did so why keep messing with me?!" She cried.

"If I didn't love you I wouldn't have saved you and if I never loved you I would've never tried to help you, I'm not here to "mess" with you I want to help you and save you but you're not cooperating" I spoke softly.

"I don't need your help, I know what I want" she huffed and looked away from me.

"Alaesha please listen to me" I spoke making her look at me.

"I really do love you and I want to take care if you but you have to trust me and stop doubting my word and fighting with me over things that'll benefit you overall."

"How am I supposed to trust you when you cheated on me? Knowing how torn I am already you still cheated on me and thought nothing of it" she sooke, crying all over again.

"I-I-" I sighed finally figuring I should tell her the truth.

"I was high like really high I don't remember what happened with the girl I only remember you trying to kill me."



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The Girl With The Broken Heart (completed)Where stories live. Discover now