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After I got Alaesha calmed down we laud in my room and cuddled until her aunt called and said she needed to come home because the one of the agents are coming to see how everything is going with her.

"Don't forget your medicine" I reminded her before we left out.

She nodded and ran up stairs to get her medicine. Once she got it we left out making our way to her house.

"Jahseh can I ask you something?" She spoke softly once we got in the car.

"Wassup?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Why did Emily come on to you like that anyways? Did you guys do something before?" She asked making me sigh.

We haven't had a conversation like this before so I don't know how she takes the whole "I smashed one of your friends before" thing. Well technically her and Emily aren't friends they were just associates.

"Yeah, we had sex like twice but that was it" I admitted before glancing over at her.

"Oh, why didn't you guys date?" She asked beginning to play with my fingers from the hand I wasn't driving with, something she does often.

I shrugged "I wasn't looking for a relationship and even if I was she isn't really my type."

She nodded and connected our hands before sitting back in her seat.

We pulled up to the house and got out seeing that there was already a black BMW sitting outside. When we walked in the house we were greeted by everyone because they were waiting on us.

"Hello Alaesha, how are you?" The agent asked.

When she saw him she hooked on to my arm and just stared at him.

"Baby" I whispered into her ear, trying to get her to snap out if it.

She begin to cry and buried her head into my chest.

"Oh my, is she taking her medicine?" The man asked with a smirk.

I squinted at him and looked back at Mia who looked shocked by Lae's actions too.

The man walked away to check the rest of the house so Mia came over to us.

"Jahseh, she has been taking it while she was with you right?" She asked.

I nodded and looked down at the still crying Lae "I don't know what's wrong, she was just fine."

I sat us down on the chair a d pulled her body away from mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I-It's h-him Jah, he w-was the f-first one sh-she let-" I shushed her and pulled her into my chest.

"You need to find a new agent."





The Girl With The Broken Heart (completed)Where stories live. Discover now